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SEC: Nvidia Failed to Disclose crypto as a revenue generator

BySheldon Wong

Jun 3, 2022

SEC: Nvidia Failed to Disclose crypto as a revenue generator

Crypto is making its place worldwide, and it’s also helping in many different industries and businesses. Nvidia is a well-known tech-related company, and their work is also related to designing and gaming things.  They spend a lot of money on gaming, but they don’t reveal that cryptominim plays a vital role in spending money on graphics and other things, and that is why now they have to pay %5.5. Here we see more things about this issue

Essential points of Nvidia company action:

  1. Cryptocurrency is not a permanent part of revenue and uses exchange and securities. Some places like California did not reveal the risk of revenue and other things in cryptocurrency. The Nvidia company’s action of not telling things openly creates a situation where people can’t identify the work of other companies, or they can’t see their way of doing work. This is said by many peoples, like the Chief of the SEC.
  2. In the end, the tech company also agreed with an order to cease, but on another side, they also did not correctly admit and not deny about findings of SECs, but they denied the Friday meeting. Their action of keeping things secret is making many things against them.

Things said by SEC:

  1. Crypto transactions get compensated because of crypto miners. In the year 2017 real craze of crypto began, and tech companies designed their graphics and other gaming-related things, which now get used in their gaming, are now getting sued by their customers for mining cryptocurrency, which is said by the SEC according to their research.
  2. In 2019 when the company is still using cryptomimig for their tech work, it revealed their revenue growth. They did not mention anything about crypto in it and did not give any single information about their actual revenue; the is searched by SEC.SEC said many things about Nvidia, and they also said their revenue comes from a complicated temporary place, which creates a problem for investors and users.
  3. Cryptocurrency is a temporary platform for good revenue, but bitcoin currency is much more stable than any other cryptocurrency. Many currencies start gaining success, and then suddenly, their rates drop, creating a huge difference in revenue if people depend on them.
  4. SEC also said that act of NVidia is not good at all because their company is well known, and this action can mislead other people and companies. This impression is because crypto mining can disturb many things in the business; many people do not like this act of Nvidia, which is why they pay the penalty.

The Sum Up

Now Nvidia Company reveals its income and revenue clearly without any secret because they face a considerable penalty, and their image also gets poorly represented. Much information about them gets spread to people, and other companies now don’t think about repeating this mistake of the Nvidia tech company. In order to know more, you may look over the web and gather more info.

Sheldon Wong

Sheldon was a contributor on DMR. He has since left the team to pursue his career in the Insurance industry.