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Nomura Holdings and GMO Group Collaborate on Stablecoin Initiative in Japan

ByDayne Lee

May 28, 2024

Nomura Holdings and GMO Group Collaborate on Stablecoin Initiative in Japan

Nomura Holdings, a global financial services company operating in 30 countries, has partnered with GMO Internet Group to focus on stablecoin development, specifically targeting the issuance of Japanese yen and United States dollar stablecoins within Japan.

The collaboration also involves Laser Digital Holdings, a subsidiary of Nomura specializing in trading solutions and digital asset management. This partnership aims to delve into the core functionalities of stablecoins, including their issuance, redemption, and circulation, with a keen eye on regulatory compliance and offering stablecoins-as-a-service.

  • Key Focus: Traditional stablecoin issuance and exploring stablecoin mechanisms within the Japanese market.
  • Leadership Insight: Nomura Holdings CEO Kentaro Okuda emphasized the critical role of stablecoins in the evolving financial markets and their potential to enhance digital asset accessibility and innovation in Japan.

Regulatory Framework and Compliance

In 2022, Japan enacted legislation to provide a clear regulatory framework for stablecoins, which has significant implications for this partnership:

  • Legal Status: The legislation designates stablecoins as non-securities.
  • Issuer Requirements: Only licensed banks, money transmitters, and trusts can issue stablecoins, ensuring they are backed by actual fiat reserves.
  • Regulatory Body: Issuers must register with the Financial Services Agency (FSA) of Japan, which oversees the compliance and safety of these financial instruments.

The Cautionary Tale of Algorithmic Stablecoins

The partnership’s focus on fiat-backed stablecoins comes in the wake of the TerraUSD collapse, which highlighted the risks associated with algorithmic stablecoins:

  • TerraUSD Incident: In May 2022, TerraUSD, an algorithmic stablecoin, failed to maintain its peg to the U.S. dollar, resulting in a significant financial meltdown.
  • Regulatory Response: This event led to increased scrutiny by the Japanese FSA, which now prefers stablecoins that have direct fiat backing over those relying on algorithms.

Project Objectives and Potential Impacts

The collaboration between Nomura Holdings and GMO Group is set to explore several key areas:

  • Innovation in Financial Services: By integrating stablecoins into Japan’s financial ecosystem, the project aims to introduce more streamlined, efficient financial transactions.
  • Enhanced Accessibility: The initiative is expected to make digital assets more accessible to a broader audience in Japan, fostering greater participation in the digital economy.
  • Long-term Growth: The strategic focus on compliance and innovation is poised to support the long-term growth of Japan’s digital asset market.

Nomura Holdings and GMO Group’s venture into stablecoin development is a strategic move aligned with global trends and regulatory advancements. This partnership not only aims to expand digital asset services in Japan but also sets a precedent for how financial institutions can navigate and influence the burgeoning field of cryptocurrency.

Featured image credit: Wongsakorn Napaeng via Vecteezy

Dayne Lee

With a foundation in financial day trading, I transitioned to my current role as an editor, where I prioritize accuracy and reader engagement in our content. I excel in collaborating with writers to ensure top-quality news coverage. This shift from finance to journalism has been both challenging and rewarding, driving my commitment to editorial excellence.

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