Telegram, the popular messaging application, has made significant strides in updating its platform, introducing improved sticker search and video consumption features. The company, which became profitable last year, removed 15 million groups and channels, not all related to piracy. These developments are part of Telegram’s ongoing efforts to refine user experience and content management.
The latest updates include an enhanced sticker search functionality, allowing users to find stickers using natural language. This feature, initially released in December, offers a more intuitive way for users to express themselves through the app’s extensive sticker library. Additionally, Telegram has introduced the ability to choose video covers and copy videos at their current time, enhancing video sharing capabilities.
In its bid to boost the channels feature, Telegram has rolled out new discovery tools in 2023. Users can now explore similar channels through suggested recommendations, broadening their access to varied content. Furthermore, the platform has introduced a “Similar Bots” tab, enabling users to find related bot services on a bot profile easily. This aims to streamline the discovery process for users seeking specific functionalities within the app.
Telegram’s commitment to improving video interaction is evident in its latest updates. Users can now share links to videos hosted on the platform with an exact timestamp, facilitating precise content sharing. Moreover, the app now supports saved progress for videos, allowing users to resume watching from where they left off seamlessly.
Despite hosting pirated video content, Telegram continues to actively manage and remove inappropriate groups and channels. The removal of millions of groups and channels underscores the company’s ongoing content moderation efforts. This action complements Telegram’s focus on enhancing legitimate user interactions and experiences.
What The Author Thinks
While Telegram’s updates are a positive step towards improving user experience and platform usability, its continued challenge lies in balancing content moderation with free expression. The company’s proactive removal of inappropriate groups and channels shows a commitment to creating a safe environment, but managing piracy without stifling legitimate discussions remains a tightrope walk.
Featured image credit: Desiree Catani via Flickr
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