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Mediacorp Initiates ‘The Big Spark,’ a Platform Linking Aspiring Entrepreneurs in Southeast Asia with Investors

ByYasmeeta Oon

Jan 29, 2024

Mediacorp Initiates ‘The Big Spark,’ a Platform Linking Aspiring Entrepreneurs in Southeast Asia with Investors

On Thursday, November 16, during the Singapore FinTech Festival, Mediacorp unveiled a groundbreaking initiative designed to transform the entrepreneurial landscape in Southeast Asia. This ambitious project, named “The Big Spark,” is a testament to Mediacorp’s commitment to nurturing innovation and fostering connections between emerging entrepreneurs and influential investors.

Executive producer and director of The Big Spark Jonathan Glazier and Mediacorp chief commercial and digital officer Parminder Singh speaking at the Singapore FinTech Festival on Nov 16, 2023. (Photo: Mediacorp)

The Big Spark

The Big Spark initiative is not just another business endeavor; it’s a vision to create a thriving ecosystem where innovation meets investment. It aims to bridge the gap between aspiring entrepreneurs with groundbreaking ideas and seasoned investors looking for the next big thing. By doing so, Mediacorp hopes to catalyze the growth of new businesses, especially in burgeoning sectors such as FinTech, educational technology, and health and wellness.

The Big Spark: A Business Reality Show

Central to this initiative is an eight-part business reality show set to premiere across CNA platforms from February 2024. This show is not just entertainment; it’s a platform for real-world business propositions and investment opportunities. It brings together the excitement of a reality show format with the gravitas of serious business pitching and mentorship.

Participants and Sectors

The Big Spark has cast its net wide, gathering participants from diverse sectors. These include FinTech, a rapidly evolving industry transforming the way we handle financial transactions; environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG), which is gaining traction as businesses increasingly acknowledge their social responsibilities; educational technology, which has seen unprecedented growth in the wake of global digital transformation; artificial intelligence (AI), a field redefining the boundaries of technology; Software as a Service (SaaS), which is revolutionizing how software is delivered and used; and the ever-important health and wellness sector, which has taken center stage in recent years.

Participants hail from various countries across Southeast Asia, reflecting the region’s rich diversity and its growing role as a hub for technological innovation and entrepreneurship. This geographical diversity not only enriches the show with a variety of perspectives but also showcases Southeast Asia’s potential as a breeding ground for groundbreaking ideas and businesses.

Selection Process and Participants

In October, a call for applications was issued, attracting a wide array of start-up teams from the region. Out of these, 24 teams have been meticulously shortlisted to participate in the show. This selection process was rigorous, focusing on the uniqueness of the business idea, the team’s potential to execute it, and its scalability and potential impact.

Format of the Show

Over the course of eight episodes, these start-ups will engage in an intense journey of pitching and refining their business ideas. They will face a series of challenges and participate in master classes designed to test their business acumen, creativity, and resilience. The format is structured to simulate the real-world pressures of starting a business, preparing the participants for the challenges ahead in their entrepreneurial journey.

Investment and Reward

A significant highlight of The Big Spark is the investment opportunity it presents. The start-ups will vie for more than S$1 million (US$740,000) in seed funding. This substantial financial backing is pivotal for these start-ups, providing them with the necessary resources to take their ideas from concept to reality.

Mentorship and Judges

The role of mentors in this journey is crucial. Under the guidance of resident judges like Roshni Mahtani Cheung, founder and group CEO of The Parentinc, and Lim Wai Mun, founder and CEO of Doctor Anywhere, the participants will receive invaluable advice and insights. These mentors bring with them a wealth of experience and expertise, having navigated the challenges of entrepreneurship themselves.

Roshni Mahtani Cheung’s The Parentinc, which operates the parenting community platform theAsianparent, is a testament to innovative thinking and community-driven business. Lim Wai Mun’s Doctor Anywhere underscores the importance of health and wellness in the modern world, especially relevant in the context of a global pandemic.

Additionally, guest judges from esteemed companies like Zoom, UOB, and Google Cloud will grace the show. Their participation not only adds credibility to The Big Spark but also provides participants with a broader perspective on what it takes to succeed in various industries.

Impact and Expectations

The Big Spark is expected to make a significant impact on the start-up ecosystem in Southeast Asia. By providing a platform for exposure, mentorship, and investment, Mediacorp is not just fostering individual start-ups but also contributing to the broader economic development of the region. This initiative is anticipated to inspire more individuals to embrace entrepreneurship, thereby fostering a culture of innovation and risk-taking.

Moreover, the show is likely to attract a wide audience, not just for its entertainment value but also for its educational and inspirational content. It will offer viewers a unique insight into the world of start-ups, investment, and what it takes to turn an idea into a successful business.

In conclusion, Mediacorp’s The Big Spark is more than just a business reality show; it is a beacon of hope and opportunity for aspiring entrepreneurs across Southeast Asia. It promises to be a journey of discovery, challenges, and triumphs—a journey that could ignite the spark of the next big innovation in the region. With its blend of entertainment, education, and real-world business stakes, The Big Spark is poised to be a landmark initiative in the entrepreneurial landscape of Southeast Asia.

Featured Image courtesy of Google Images

Yasmeeta Oon

Just a girl trying to break into the world of journalism, constantly on the hunt for the next big story to share.