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Dechat Unwittingly Disseminates ‘Honeypot’ Scam Link in Token Launch Notification

ByDayne Lee

Feb 28, 2024

Dechat Unwittingly Disseminates ‘Honeypot’ Scam Link in Token Launch Notification

In an unfortunate oversight, Dechat, a pioneer in Web3 communication protocols aimed at decentralizing user interactions, found itself in the midst of controversy. The protocol mistakenly shared a link to a malicious ‘honeypot’ PancakeSwap pool in its official announcement regarding the launch of its token on February 26. This error not only compromised user trust but also exposed the inherent risks associated with digital asset investments.

The Oversight and Its Aftermath

The term ‘honeypot’ in the crypto realm refers to a deceitful smart contract designed to lure investors with the promise of profitability, only to subsequently entrap their funds. This was precisely the trap into which Dechat inadvertently led its followers when it linked to such a pool in its token launch announcement.

Renowned on-chain investigator, ZachXBT, was quick to highlight this misstep in a February 26 post on X (formerly Twitter), criticizing the protocol for its carelessness. He pointed out the gravity of linking a honeypot, emphasizing the potential risks to unsuspecting investors.

Reacting swiftly to ZachXBT’s disclosure, Dechat retracted the original announcement, issuing a new one with the correct PancakeSwap link. This move was crucial in mitigating further damage and restoring some level of trust within the community. The DECHAT token, Dechat’s new utility token, was successfully launched for trading on the same day on multiple exchanges, including KuCoin, Bybit,, HTX, MEXC, and PancakeSwap.

Community Response and Concerns

The initial mistake led to a wave of criticism from the community, with several users reporting losses. One such user, Varun4243, expressed his frustration on X, questioning whether Dechat would compensate those who lost funds due to the erroneous link.

Understanding Honeypot Scams

Honeypot scams represent a significant and growing threat within the cryptocurrency ecosystem. These scams are sophisticated yet rapidly deployable, with CertiK, a blockchain security firm, revealing that a malicious actor could set up a honeypot contract in as little as 30 minutes. Such scams exploit the enthusiasm and trust of investors, drawing them into traps that result in financial losses.

One of the most infamous instances of a honeypot scam was the Squid Game token incident in November 2021. Capitalizing on the popularity of the Netflix series “Squid Game,” the scam artists behind the SQUID token managed to abscond with approximately $6.38 million in BNB. The scam was particularly egregious due to its exploitation of fan excitement and the use of “anti-dumping technology” as a guise for preventing token sales, effectively trapping investor funds.

Key Takeaways and Preventive Measures

  • Vigilance and Verification: Investors should always verify contract addresses and links through official channels before making transactions.
  • Awareness and Education: Understanding the mechanics of honeypot scams can help investors spot red flags and avoid falling victim to these schemes.
  • Community Engagement: Platforms and protocols must maintain open lines of communication with their users, especially in crisis situations, to rebuild trust and provide clarity.

The incident involving Dechat’s accidental promotion of a honeypot scam link underscores the complexities and risks inherent in the digital asset space. While the protocol’s quick response to correct the mistake is commendable, the situation serves as a stark reminder of the need for diligence, both from investors and platforms alike. As the cryptocurrency landscape continues to evolve, fostering a culture of security, transparency, and responsibility will be crucial in protecting investors and maintaining the integrity of the ecosystem.

Featured image credit: ValentynVolkov via iStock

Dayne Lee

With a foundation in financial day trading, I transitioned to my current role as an editor, where I prioritize accuracy and reader engagement in our content. I excel in collaborating with writers to ensure top-quality news coverage. This shift from finance to journalism has been both challenging and rewarding, driving my commitment to editorial excellence.