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Taiwan Forms Association to Promote Self-Regulation in the Crypto Industry

ByDayne Lee

Jun 17, 2024

Taiwan Forms Association to Promote Self-Regulation in the Crypto Industry

A coalition of cryptocurrency companies has come together to form the Taiwan Virtual Asset Service Provider (VASP) Association, aiming to establish self-regulatory standards for the digital asset sector in Taiwan. This move marks a significant step towards enhancing compliance and fostering the growth of the blockchain finance industry.

On June 13, 2024, 24 leading crypto firms announced their founding membership in the Taiwan VASP Association. Among the prominent members are XREX exchange and BitoPro. Titan Cheng, the founder and CEO of BitoPro, will serve as the chair of the association, while Winston Hsiao, Chief Revenue Officer of XREX, will take on the role of vice chair. This newly formed body is dedicated to promoting fair and rigorous regulations that will support the global growth of blockchain finance.

Mission and Goals of the VASP Association

The Taiwan VASP Association has outlined a comprehensive mission to foster industry-wide cooperation and compliance. The group is committed to working closely with government entities, including the Ministry of Justice and law enforcement agencies, to combat fraud and other criminal activities within the digital asset space.

As stated by XREX, one of the association’s founding members:

“[We will] cooperate with the government, the Ministry of Justice, and law enforcement agencies to jointly combat fraud and other criminal activities. The industry will also contribute technology, industrial knowledge, and infrastructure to establish a robust joint defense platform and design international transfer rules that align with Taiwan’s Anti-Money Laundering (AML) standards and the Travel Rule.”

Member CompanyRole in AssociationKey Individuals
BitoProChairTitan Cheng (Founder and CEO)
XREXVice ChairWinston Hsiao (Chief Revenue Officer)
MaiCoinFounding MemberSherwin Lin (CEO)
BitoExFounding MemberCheng Kuang (COO)
CoolBitXFounding MemberMichael Ou (CEO)

The formation of the VASP Association coincides with significant regulatory developments in Taiwan. Officials from Taiwan’s Ministry of Justice have proposed amendments to the AML regulations specifically targeting virtual asset service providers. These proposed changes would introduce stringent penalties for noncompliance, including up to two years in prison or fines up to $1.5 million.

In addition, Taiwan’s Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC) has announced plans to roll out new digital asset regulations by September 2024. These measures are designed to enhance the regulatory framework and ensure that digital asset transactions are transparent and secure.

Hsiho Huang, an FSC director who attended the VASP Association’s inaugural announcement, emphasized the importance of this initiative:

“The establishment of the association will bring more cooperation and consensus to the industry, promote compliance, standardization, and healthy development of the industry, ensure the safety, transparency, and stability of the industry, and enhance the protection of consumer rights.”

The establishment of the Taiwan VASP Association reflects a proactive response by the digital asset industry to the evolving regulatory landscape. As digital assets become more integrated into the financial system, the need for robust compliance measures and industry standards becomes increasingly critical. By forming this association, the founding members are taking significant steps to self-regulate and align with international best practices.

This initiative is also expected to address concerns about the rapid pace of digital asset adoption and the potential risks associated with it. By contributing to the development of technological solutions and infrastructure, the association aims to create a secure environment that mitigates these risks and supports sustainable growth.

Taiwan’s Digital Asset Industry

The formation of the Taiwan VASP Association is likely to have far-reaching implications for the country’s digital asset sector. By fostering collaboration between industry players and regulatory bodies, the association can play a pivotal role in shaping a compliant and innovative financial ecosystem.

Furthermore, the association’s efforts to establish international transfer rules and enhance cross-border cooperation are crucial for integrating Taiwan’s digital asset market with global financial systems. This integration will be essential for attracting international investment and ensuring that Taiwan remains competitive in the rapidly evolving digital economy.

The launch of the Taiwan VASP Association marks a significant milestone in the development of the digital asset industry in Taiwan. By promoting self-regulation, compliance, and collaboration with government authorities, the association is poised to enhance the safety, transparency, and growth of blockchain finance. As the industry navigates the complexities of regulatory challenges, the Taiwan VASP Association stands as a testament to the proactive efforts of the cryptocurrency sector to build a secure and sustainable future.

Featured image credit: ironypoisoning via Flickr

Dayne Lee

With a foundation in financial day trading, I transitioned to my current role as an editor, where I prioritize accuracy and reader engagement in our content. I excel in collaborating with writers to ensure top-quality news coverage. This shift from finance to journalism has been both challenging and rewarding, driving my commitment to editorial excellence.

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