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Singaporean workers are global leaders in using generative AI at work

ByYasmeeta Oon

Jun 21, 2024

Singaporean workers are global leaders in using generative AI at work

Singapore – In a groundbreaking revelation, a global survey conducted by UiPath, a leading business automation company, has highlighted Singaporean Millennials and Gen Z workers as pioneers in the adoption of generative AI tools in the workplace. The survey, encompassing 9,047 full-time employees across nine countries, sheds light on how young Singaporean professionals leverage AI to enhance productivity and efficiency compared to older generations.

Singapore’s younger workforce has embraced generative AI technologies enthusiastically, leveraging them to streamline various work-related tasks. According to the survey, 60% of local employees have integrated generative AI tools into their daily work routines. Key applications include:

  • Drafting communications: 44% of respondents use AI to compose emails and other written correspondence.
  • Summarizing content: 34% utilize AI for summarizing lengthy documents and reports.
  • Brainstorming ideas: Another 34% employ AI for generating and refining creative concepts.

These findings underscore the versatility and effectiveness of generative AI in enhancing productivity across different job functions.

Amidst challenging economic conditions, Singaporean workers are experiencing heavier workloads, contributing to heightened stress levels and burnout. The survey reveals that nearly one-third (30%) of employees in Singapore report feeling extremely or very burned out. To mitigate these challenges, workers are increasingly turning to AI and automation tools to:

  • Reduce workloads: 62% of respondents seek AI solutions to lighten their daily task burdens.
  • Increase productivity: 46% prioritize tools that enable them to accomplish more tasks efficiently.
  • Enhance work-life balance: 43% leverage generative AI to free up time for personal and professional fulfillment.

Generative AI is recognized as a crucial tool in combating burnout by enabling employees to focus on strategic and high-value tasks while automating routine activities.

Jess O’Reilly, Area Vice President of Asia at UiPath, highlights the positive impact of AI and automation on workplace dynamics. She states, “Our survey findings indicate that Singaporean workers who embrace these technologies experience significant improvements in productivity and work-life balance. To foster a more resilient workforce, initiatives aimed at bridging skill gaps, promoting AI trust, and fostering strategic partnerships are essential.”

The survey findings align closely with Singapore’s strategic initiatives to promote AI adoption and digital transformation. Collaborative efforts between the government and industry leaders, such as DataRobot, IBM, Singtel, and Temasek, under initiatives like Project Moonshot, are pivotal. Project Moonshot focuses on enhancing the security and efficiency of large language models (LLMs), foundational to many AI applications. This initiative aims to ensure that AI technologies are deployed safely and effectively, supporting Singapore’s transition towards a digitally advanced workforce.

BenefitsPercentage of Respondents
Reduced workload62%
Increased productivity46%
Improved work-life balance43%
Saved significant time62%
Saved 10 or more hours per week42%

Generative AI is poised to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of work in Singapore and beyond. With ongoing support from government policies and collaborative efforts within the private sector, Singapore is well-positioned to lead the global digital transformation landscape. The continuous integration of AI technologies promises to enhance efficiency, reduce operational costs, and improve overall workforce satisfaction.

In summary, UiPath’s survey underscores the critical role of generative AI in empowering Singaporean workers to achieve greater productivity and mitigate burnout. As organizations continue to embrace AI-driven solutions, the landscape of work in Singapore is set to evolve, driven by innovation, efficiency, and strategic advancements in technology.

Yasmeeta Oon

Just a girl trying to break into the world of journalism, constantly on the hunt for the next big story to share.

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