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Ethereum Experiences Continued Inflation for Over 73 Consecutive Days

ByDayne Lee

Jun 28, 2024

Ethereum Experiences Continued Inflation for Over 73 Consecutive Days

Since the significant network upgrade known as the Merge in 2022, Ethereum has entered its most prolonged inflationary period to date. This sustained increase in Ether supply is largely attributable to the blockchain’s Dencun upgrade, which was implemented on March 13, 2024.

Details of the Dencun Upgrade and Its Impact

The Dencun upgrade brought significant changes to the Ethereum network, including the introduction of nine Ethereum Improvement Proposals (EIPs). Among these, EIP-4844 has been identified as a key factor contributing to the recent inflationary trends.

While these innovations have led to a drastic reduction in transaction costs on Ethereum’s layer-2 networks, they have concurrently caused a significant decrease in the amount of ETH burned on the mainnet. This reduction in burn rate is a direct contributor to the inflationary trend observed in the Ether supply.

Quantifying the Inflation

Since April 14, 2024, the supply of Ether has increased by over 112,000 ETH, as per data from the Ethereum monitoring tool This increase highlights a notable shift in the supply dynamics of Ethereum following the Dencun upgrade.

Despite the recent inflationary months, the total supply of Ether has seen a net decrease since the Merge:

  • ETH Burned: Approximately 1.5 billion ETH has been burned since the adoption of the proof-of-stake consensus mechanism in September 2022.
  • ETH Added: Conversely, about 1.36 billion ETH has been added to the supply.
  • Net Supply Reduction: The overall reduction in ETH supply amounts to 345,000 ETH, translating to just over $1.1 billion at current prices.
EventETH BurnedETH AddedNet Supply ChangeValue at Current Prices
Post-Merge Total1.5 billion1.36 billion-345,000 ETH$1.1 billion

The Dencun upgrade, while reducing transaction costs and enhancing network efficiency, presents new challenges and opportunities for Ethereum:

  • Layer-2 Network Benefits: Reduced costs have likely contributed to increased adoption and activity on layer-2 solutions like Arbitrum and Optimism.
  • Economic Implications: The inflationary trend poses questions about Ether’s economic model, particularly concerning its deflationary aspirations post-Merge.

Ethereum’s ongoing inflationary phase marks a critical period of adjustment and adaptation for the network. The balance between enhancing network functionality and maintaining economic stability is crucial as Ethereum continues to evolve in the competitive landscape of blockchain technologies. How Ethereum manages these dynamics will be pivotal for its role in the broader cryptocurrency ecosystem.

Featured image credit: master1305 via Freepik

Dayne Lee

With a foundation in financial day trading, I transitioned to my current role as an editor, where I prioritize accuracy and reader engagement in our content. I excel in collaborating with writers to ensure top-quality news coverage. This shift from finance to journalism has been both challenging and rewarding, driving my commitment to editorial excellence.

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