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Prosecutor Seeks Prison Sentence for User After $6.8M Erroneous Transfer

ByDayne Lee

Aug 5, 2024

Prosecutor Seeks Prison Sentence for User After $6.8M Erroneous Transfer

In a bizarre twist of fate, a user, after an accidental transfer of nearly $7 million, faces potential prison time. The incident, which has captured both legal and public attention, involves Australian couple Thevamanogari Manivel and Jatinder Singh. Due to a clerical error by a employee, the couple received 10.47 million Australian dollars ($6.86 million) in May 2021 instead of the intended 100 AU$ refund. This mistake occurred when an account number was mistakenly entered into the payment section of an Excel spreadsheet.

Before the error was discovered during an internal audit in December 2021, Singh had already significantly spent the funds, purchasing multiple homes and gifting 1 million AU$ to a friend, believing he had won an “online raffle.” This rapid spending has led to severe legal repercussions.

Arguments from the Prosecution and Defense

During a court hearing on August 2, Australian prosecutor Campbell Thomson made a compelling argument for incarceration, suggesting that the large sum involved surpassed a mere crime of opportunity. “It may not be that you send him to jail for very long at all after taking into account his presentence detention,” Thomson remarked, highlighting the gravity of the situation.

Conversely, Singh’s defense attorney, Martin Kozlowski, contended that Singh was overwhelmed by the unexpected windfall and did not fully comprehend the situation’s gravity initially. Kozlowski emphasized the delay in the company’s realization of the error, noting, “It must be taken into account the funds here came from a multinational that didn’t even know the funds were gone until an audit sometime later.”

Flight Risk Concerns and Sentencing

Prosecutors have also flagged Singh as a potential flight risk, citing that only $4.9 million of the transferred amount had been recovered, with some funds already moved abroad. Singh’s sentencing is scheduled for September. His partner, Manivel, has already faced legal consequences, receiving a roughly seven-month prison sentence (already served) in September 2023, and placed on an 18-month community corrections order after pleading guilty to recklessly handling the proceeds of crime.

Rise in Crypto-Related Crimes in Australia

This incident occurs against a backdrop of increasing criminal activities involving cryptocurrencies in Australia. According to a July 15 report by the Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (AUSTRAC), there is a growing concern over the misuse of cryptocurrencies for money laundering, attributed to the anonymity and speed of transactions that digital currencies offer.

May 2021Accidental transfer of 10.47 million AU$Initial transfer
December discovers the errorInternal audit reveals the mistake
March 2023Concerns about Singh’s potential flight riskLegal proceedings highlight risks
September 2023Manivel sentencedReceives community corrections order
August 2024Court hearing for SinghProsecutor advocates for jail time

The case of Singh and Manivel serves as a cautionary tale about the complexities and potential pitfalls of managing digital assets. It also highlights the broader implications for the cryptocurrency industry, emphasizing the need for stringent checks and balances to prevent similar errors in the future.

Featured image credit: rawpixel via Freepik

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Dayne Lee

With a foundation in financial day trading, I transitioned to my current role as an editor, where I prioritize accuracy and reader engagement in our content. I excel in collaborating with writers to ensure top-quality news coverage. This shift from finance to journalism has been both challenging and rewarding, driving my commitment to editorial excellence.

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