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Arizona Primary with $1.3M Crypto Super PAC Funding Hangs in the Balance

ByDayne Lee

Aug 7, 2024

Arizona Primary with $1.3M Crypto Super PAC Funding Hangs in the Balance

After more than a week of counting ballots, the Democratic primary in Arizona‘s 3rd Congressional District is proving to be exceptionally tight and could potentially be decided by a single vote.

Nail-Biting Count Continues

As of August 5th, Yassamin Ansari leads Raquel Terán by just 67 votes with 99% of the ballots counted. The primary, held on July 30th, has garnered significant attention due to the close margin and substantial political funding involved. The Protect Progress Super political action committee (PAC), an affiliate of Fairshake and Defend American Jobs, has heavily backed Ansari, contributing over $1.3 million to her campaign.

Election officials are still processing hundreds of ballots, and the outcome remains uncertain. The race is expected to head to a recount due to the slim margin, which falls within the 0.5% threshold required for a recount under Arizona law, based on the estimated total votes of 40,000-50,000.

  • Ansari’s Statement: “We are still hard at work ensuring that every vote is counted,” Ansari affirmed on August 3rd.
  • Terán’s Perspective: Terán, who has been trailing slightly behind Ansari, remarked on the same day that she was “narrowing the gap” and described the race as “too close to call.”

Crypto’s Role in the Campaign

Both candidates have shown favorable attitudes towards cryptocurrency:

  • Ansari: Her campaign platform includes leading in blockchain and crypto innovation.
  • Terán: She has expressed support for collaborative approaches to blockchain and crypto studies.

The involvement of crypto-focused PACs in this primary has raised questions about the influence of money in elections. On July 16th, the Protect Progress PAC executed a $1.3 million media buy to bolster Ansari’s campaign. Additionally, their affiliate, the Defend American Jobs PAC, spent about $600,000 supporting Republican Blake Masters in another district, although he lost his primary.

Further complicating the political landscape, Democrat Andrei Cherny, supported by Protect Progress, lost his primary to Amish Shah in Arizona’s 1st Congressional District. Shah had previously voted against a bill addressing crypto and non-fungible tokens tax issues in 2022.

Crypto Influencing Elections?

The role of cryptocurrency in elections is becoming a focal point, especially as funds flow into campaign coffers. Critics, like California Representative Linda Sánchez, argue that such financial backing from crypto groups aims to “buy a seat in Congress” and undermine voter influence. This sentiment reflects broader concerns about the potential impact of crypto money in the 2024 elections.

As of July, Fairshake reportedly raised over $202 million, though discrepancies in reporting have led to some crypto contributions possibly being counted twice. The PAC has also played a significant role in political advertising against various candidates in upcoming primaries across Missouri.

PAC NameContributionCandidate SupportedResult
Protect Progress$1.3 millionYassamin AnsariPending recount
Defend American Jobs$600,000Blake MastersLost primary
Protect Progress$3.7 millionVarious (TX, AL)Won primaries

The ongoing ballot count in Arizona’s 3rd District illustrates the razor-thin margins that can define electoral outcomes and highlights the significant role of financial contributions, particularly from cryptocurrency-oriented PACs. As the final votes are tallied and potential recounts loom, the focus on crypto’s influence within political spheres continues to intensify.

Featured image credit: PxHere

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Dayne Lee

With a foundation in financial day trading, I transitioned to my current role as an editor, where I prioritize accuracy and reader engagement in our content. I excel in collaborating with writers to ensure top-quality news coverage. This shift from finance to journalism has been both challenging and rewarding, driving my commitment to editorial excellence.

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