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Fujifilm, once struggling to sell cameras, now faces overwhelming demand.

ByYasmeeta Oon

Jun 30, 2024

Fujifilm, once struggling to sell cameras, now faces overwhelming demand.

TOKYO: For years, Japan’s Fujifilm pivoted away from its legacy camera business to focus on healthcare. But thanks in large part to the TikTok crowd, its retro-themed X100 digital cameras are now a roaring success, boosting its bottom line.

Fujifilm is struggling to meet demand for the US$1,599 camera, prized by young 20-something social media fans for its looks and high-end functions. The X100V model was so popular that in the fiscal year ended in March, it was the imaging division, which includes cameras, that was the biggest contributor to the company’s record-high profit – the unit accounted for 37% of operating profit in fiscal 2023, versus 27% the year before.

To understand the resurgence of Fujifilm’s camera division, it’s essential to look back at the company’s strategic shifts over the past few decades. Founded 90 years ago, Fujifilm competed against film industry leader Kodak for decades before finally overtaking it in sales in 2001. However, the triumph was short-lived as the film industry soon collapsed and digital cameras became a standard feature in mobile phones.

To survive, Fujifilm tapped its expertise in film chemicals to shift into healthcare applications, a strategy also adopted by domestic competitors Canon and Olympus. Fujifilm didn’t give up on its cameras, but it cut 5,000 jobs in its film division and moved most production to China the following year.

During the Covid years, Fujifilm doubled down on antiviral pills and vaccine operations. The company’s investment in healthcare paid off, yet it was the unexpected boom in its camera sales that brought Fujifilm back into the spotlight.

The X100V’s rise to fame can largely be attributed to its appeal among young social media influencers. The camera, which combines a vintage aesthetic with modern capabilities, has become a status symbol among Instagram and TikTok users.

Yujiro Igarashi, manager of Fujifilm’s professional imaging group, noted the overwhelming demand for the X100V. “We found that the orders far exceeded our forecast,” Igarashi said. “In that sense, I was surprised that although we doubled our preparations, it still came up short.”

Fiscal YearImaging Division Profit ContributionOverall Profit

After the X100V sold out last year, the company increased production in China to double the launch volume for the VI that debuted in March. Despite these efforts, availability remains a significant issue. Second-hand X100s sell for multiples of their list price on auction sites, and online message boards are filled with fans eagerly waiting for their orders.

The X100 was born in 2011 in an attempt to rescue Fujifilm’s professional-grade camera division. Its appeal is deeply rooted in nostalgia. “The look of it was pretty revolutionary, which is ironic, because it’s just mimicking a film camera,” said Mark Condon, founder of the camera equipment site Shotkit.

A key concept in retro tech is “friction,” where the user is joined with the product through physical touch and interaction, according to Tokyo-based culture writer W. David Marx. “Smartphones make it so easy to take photos that photos have been devalued,” said Marx, author of Status and Culture. “By having physical cameras again, and having to develop film, it adds back friction, which adds back a sense of value to casual photo taking.”

As travel restarted after the pandemic, demand for cameras shot up, and influencers on Instagram, TikTok, and other social media sites turned the X100 into a status symbol. “It is important to have a good-looking camera that inspires you to want to take it out and shoot with it,” said Benjamin Lee, who goes by @itchban on TikTok, where he has more than 600,000 followers. “The X100 series is basically a fashion accessory you wear, on top of being a great camera.”

However, Fujifilm’s chief executive, Teiichi Goto, hinted last month that he was happy to keep supply tight, pointing to Germany’s Leica brand cameras as a model for maintaining premium value. “It would be quite unfortunate to manufacture too much and lower the price,” Goto said at the company’s year-end earnings presentation on May 9.

Fujifilm projects imaging sales growth to slow to 2.2% in fiscal 2024 from 14.5%, while operating profits in the segment are expected to dip 1.9%, estimates analysts say are conservative at best. “We see downside risk to guidance for healthcare and business innovation, but major upside for imaging,” wrote Jefferies analyst Masahiro Nakanomyo in a June 6 report.

While the demand for the X100 series remains high, the long waitlists and steep prices may drive customers to competitors such as Canon’s G7X and Ricoh’s GR series. This week, Ricoh also announced the launch of its first film camera in about 20 years, the Pentax 17.

Imaging group manager Igarashi acknowledged that production volumes were a hurdle. “We’re trying really hard to increase the number of people, the number of production lines, and so on, but it’s not taking off as quickly as you would think,” he said. The design and complexity of the X100 make it challenging to manufacture at scale.

Despite these challenges, Fujifilm’s commitment to its legacy camera business and its ability to adapt to market trends demonstrate the company’s resilience. As Fujifilm continues to navigate the balance between healthcare and imaging, the X100 series stands as a testament to the enduring appeal of well-crafted, aesthetically pleasing technology.

  • Fujifilm’s pivot to healthcare was essential for survival, but the X100V camera has revitalized its imaging division.
  • Social media influencers played a significant role in boosting the camera’s popularity.
  • The company is struggling to meet the high demand, with second-hand prices soaring.
  • Fujifilm plans to maintain a balance between limited supply and premium value.
  • Future projections indicate a potential slowdown in imaging sales growth, but analysts see significant upside.

The resurgence of Fujifilm’s camera business highlights the power of nostalgia and the influence of social media in shaping consumer trends. As the company continues to adapt and innovate, the X100 series serves as a bridge between Fujifilm’s storied past and its dynamic future.

Featured Image courtesy of fujilove magazine

Yasmeeta Oon

Just a girl trying to break into the world of journalism, constantly on the hunt for the next big story to share.

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