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Donald Trump Vows to Put an End to Joe Biden’s “War on Crypto”

ByDayne Lee

Jul 15, 2024

Donald Trump Vows to Put an End to Joe Biden’s “War on Crypto”

The cryptocurrency market’s rapid growth has established it as a significant topic in modern investment and political discussions. During a recent address in West Palm Beach, Florida, former President Donald Trump pledged to end what he described as President Joe Biden’s “War on Crypto” if he is reelected.

Trump’s Shift in Crypto Stance

Historically, Trump dismissed cryptocurrency as a viable financial instrument. However, in recent days, he has acknowledged its importance in America’s economic future. On June 12, 2024, Trump clarified his stance on crypto during a speech, stating, “All remaining Bitcoin to be made in the USA.” This represents a stark contrast to Biden’s more cautious approach to digital assets.

Biden’s Regulatory Approach

Biden’s Executive Order (EO) from March 2022 exemplifies his administration’s cautious stance. The EO called for federal agencies to increase oversight of digital assets, emphasizing six key priorities:

  1. Consumer and investor protection
  2. Promoting financial stability
  3. Countering illicit finance
  4. U.S. leadership in the global financial system and economic competitiveness
  5. Financial inclusion
  6. Responsible innovation

Biden’s EO stressed the importance of supporting technological advances that promote the responsible development and use of digital assets. However, his administration’s proposals, such as a 30% tax on cryptocurrency mining phased in over three years, have been seen as restrictive by the crypto community.

AspectTrump’s StanceBiden’s Stance
General ApproachPro-crypto, supportiveCautious, regulatory
Crypto MiningPromote US-based miningProposed 30% tax on mining
RegulationMinimize restrictionsIncrease oversight and regulation
VisionMake the US a leader in cryptoEnsure responsible development and use
Industry PerceptionFavorableViewed as restrictive by crypto community

Many in the crypto industry believe Biden’s regulatory interventions will push crypto innovation overseas and stifle America’s role in the financial sector. Trump, on the other hand, has pledged to foster the digital asset revolution and protect it from what he terms as anti-crypto figures. He emphasized, “I will keep Elizabeth Warren and her goons away from your Bitcoin.”

Trump envisions the US, particularly states like Florida, becoming a hub for crypto activities. He highlighted Florida’s lack of income tax as an advantage, suggesting it could become the “crypto capital of the world” with the right policies.

The 2024 Election and Crypto

As the presidential race intensifies, Trump’s focus on cryptocurrency has become a central aspect of his campaign. He argues that his reelection is crucial for crypto investors to capitalize on their investments. Trump scrutinizes Biden’s regulatory approach, claiming it hinders the industry’s growth. Given that the crypto market is valued at approximately $2.5 trillion, political opinions on the matter are likely to influence voter behavior.

With the 2024 presidential election approaching, cryptocurrency remains a prominent topic of debate between Trump and Biden. Trump’s pro-crypto stance contrasts sharply with Biden’s regulatory approach, highlighting the significant differences in their economic policies. As both candidates gear up for the election, their positions on crypto will likely play a crucial role in shaping the future of the industry in the United States.

Featured image credit: Sennexx via DeviantArt

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Dayne Lee

With a foundation in financial day trading, I transitioned to my current role as an editor, where I prioritize accuracy and reader engagement in our content. I excel in collaborating with writers to ensure top-quality news coverage. This shift from finance to journalism has been both challenging and rewarding, driving my commitment to editorial excellence.

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