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Apple’s iOS 17.4 Update: No More Web App Support in the EU

ByHilary Ong

Feb 13, 2024

Apple’s iOS 17.4 Update: No More Web App Support in the EU

Apple’s recent iOS 17.4 beta release has sparked significant discussion among iPhone users and developers in the European Union (EU), primarily due to its compliance with the EU’s Digital Markets Act (DMA) antitrust legislation. This legislation aims to promote competition by mandating that tech giants like Apple allow alternative app stores and browser engines on their devices. However, an unexpected consequence of this update is the removal of support for Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) on iPhones within the EU, a move that has left many pondering the future of web apps on Apple’s platform.

Are Progressive Web Apps (PWA) No Longer Viable in the EU?

For years, Apple has championed the integration of web apps into the iPhone ecosystem, allowing users to save websites to their home screen and use them similarly to native apps. This feature, which dates back to the earliest days of the iPhone in 2008, has seen significant enhancements over time. Notably, iOS 16.4 introduced the capability for PWAs to deliver push notifications with icon badges, a development that underscored Apple’s commitment to web app support. An example of the utility of PWAs can be seen in the Starbucks web app, which functions seamlessly across mobile platforms, enabling users to place orders and receive notifications without the need for a traditional app download.

However, the introduction of iOS 17.4 has abruptly halted these advancements for users in the EU.

  • Removal of PWA Support: Developer Maximiliano Firtman initially suspected a bug when PWAs stopped functioning in the iOS 17.4 beta. This was clarified with the release of iOS 17.4 beta 2, which introduced a new alert informing users that web apps “will open from your default browser from now on.”
  • Impact on User Experience: This change disrupts the standalone app-like experience of PWAs by pushing them to open in a web browser instead.
  • Data Deletion and Loss of Features: All data stored by these web apps is automatically deleted with the update. Additionally, websites can no longer send push notifications to users, marking a significant reduction in web app capabilities.

This revision aims to succinctly summarize the major changes introduced with iOS 17.4, highlighting the direct impacts on PWAs and the overall user experience within the EU.

What Prompted Apple to Alter Its Web App Policy?

The rationale behind these changes appears to be Apple’s effort to align with the DMA’s requirements, specifically:

  • Allowing Developers to Use Their Own Engines: Breaking free from the monopoly of Apple’s WebKit, in compliance with the stipulation that developers should be allowed to create web browsers with their own engines.
  • Avoiding Accusations of Favoritism: By removing PWA support, Apple might be aiming to dodge accusations of favoring its own browser engine.
  • Concerns Over “Malicious Compliance”: This move has led to concerns within the developer community about whether Apple is using these regulations as an opportunity to disadvantage developers, seemingly punishing them under the guise of adherence to new laws.

This approach aims to clarify the complex motivations behind Apple’s policy changes and the diverse reactions from the developer community, making it easier for readers to understand the multifaceted implications of iOS 17.4’s impact on PWAs.

Awaiting Apple’s Next Move

The broader implications of iOS 17.4’s PWA policy are still unfolding. While some developers have reported that certain PWAs continue to function, albeit without push notifications, the inconsistency has added to the confusion and frustration within the developer community. This situation is exacerbated by Apple’s silence on the matter, leaving many to speculate about the company’s long-term strategy for web apps in the EU and the potential for future workarounds or policy reversals.

The DMA, intended as a consumer protection measure, encourages competitive practices by challenging Apple’s control over app distribution and browser engine requirements. However, the reaction to Apple’s implementation of these directives has been mixed, with accusations that the company is leveraging the DMA to impose further restrictions on developers, rather than embracing the spirit of the legislation to foster an open and competitive ecosystem.

Featured Image courtesy of SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images

Hilary Ong

Hello, from one tech geek to another. Not your beloved TechCrunch writer, but a writer with an avid interest in the fast-paced tech scenes and all the latest tech mojo. I bring with me a unique take towards tech with a honed applied psychology perspective to make tech news digestible. In other words, I deliver tech news that is easy to read.