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Indonesia Investigates Lazada and Shopee for Potential Anti-Competitive Practices

ByYasmeeta Oon

May 31, 2024

Indonesia Investigates Lazada and Shopee for Potential Anti-Competitive Practices

The Indonesian Competition Commission (KPPU) has launched an investigation into the local operations of Shopee and Lazada, two leading e-commerce platforms, over concerns of potential monopolistic practices.

In an official statement, KPPU revealed that Shopee’s algorithm appears to prioritize Shopee Express, its proprietary logistics service. Additionally, Shopee Express and J&T Express, a long-term logistics partner of Shopee, are prominently displayed on the platform’s seller dashboard. This preferential treatment raises concerns about fair competition within the logistics sector.

One of the focal points of the KPPU’s investigation is Handhika Wiguna Jahja, who has served as a director at Shopee Indonesia since June 2018 and simultaneously holds the position of director at Shopee Express. The commission believes that Jahja’s dual roles may enable him to exert undue influence over the policies of both entities, potentially leading to unfair competitive advantages.

In response to these allegations, a spokesperson for Shopee Indonesia stated, “We are committed to complying with all applicable regulations and legislation in the Republic of Indonesia.”

The KPPU has also leveled accusations against Lazada, alleging that the company has engaged in potentially discriminatory actions that hinder competition and could harm consumers. While the agency did not elaborate on the specific violations, it confirmed that it has been monitoring Lazada closely since 2021. Tech in Asia has reached out to Lazada for comments on the investigation but has yet to receive a response.

This probe is part of a broader initiative by the Indonesian government to enhance its oversight of foreign-owned tech companies operating within the country. In March 2024, the government issued warnings to online travel agents such as, Klook, and Expedia, threatening to block their services if they did not register with the Ministry of Communication and Information.

June 2018Handhika Wiguna Jahja becomes director of Shopee and Shopee Express
2021KPPU begins monitoring Lazada
March 2024Government warns online travel agents to register or face blocks
May 28, 2024KPPU initiates preliminary check into allegations against Shopee
  • Shopee:
    • Alleged algorithm bias towards Shopee Express
    • Prominent placement of Shopee Express and J&T Express on seller dashboard
    • Potential conflict of interest with dual roles of Handhika Wiguna Jahja
  • Lazada:
    • Accused of discriminatory practices against competitors
    • Potential consumer harm due to anti-competitive actions

The scrutiny of Shopee and Lazada is significant in the context of Indonesia’s burgeoning e-commerce market. Both platforms are pivotal players, and their practices can substantially impact market dynamics. The investigation’s outcome could lead to stricter regulations and enforcement actions to ensure a level playing field for all competitors.

The Indonesian government’s recent actions reflect its commitment to fostering a fair competitive environment and protecting consumer interests. By targeting monopolistic behaviors and ensuring compliance with local regulations, the government aims to create a more equitable market landscape.

Shopee and Lazada’s responses to the investigation will be crucial in determining their future operations in Indonesia. Both companies must demonstrate adherence to fair competition laws and possibly adjust their business practices to align with regulatory expectations.

The KPPU’s ongoing investigations signal a proactive stance against monopolistic practices, which could set a precedent for other tech companies in Indonesia. As the digital economy continues to grow, regulatory bodies are likely to intensify their efforts to monitor and regulate market activities.

The KPPU’s findings could lead to several potential outcomes, including fines, mandatory changes in business practices, or even restrictions on certain operations. The broader tech industry in Indonesia will closely watch the developments, as the case could influence regulatory policies and enforcement strategies.

Tech companies operating in Indonesia must be vigilant and proactive in ensuring compliance with local laws to avoid similar scrutiny. The emphasis on fair competition and consumer protection underscores the importance of ethical business practices in sustaining long-term growth and maintaining market integrity.

The investigations into Shopee and Lazada by the Indonesian Competition Commission highlight the increasing regulatory focus on ensuring fair competition in the digital marketplace. The outcomes of these probes will not only impact the involved companies but also shape the future regulatory landscape for e-commerce in Indonesia. Both Shopee and Lazada must navigate this scrutiny carefully to maintain their market positions and uphold consumer trust.

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Featured Image courtesy of DALL-E by ChatGPT

Yasmeeta Oon

Just a girl trying to break into the world of journalism, constantly on the hunt for the next big story to share.

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