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SEC Accuses BitClout Creator Nader Al-Naji of Fraudulent Practices

ByDayne Lee

Aug 1, 2024

SEC Accuses BitClout Creator Nader Al-Naji of Fraudulent Practices

On July 30, the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), in coordination with the US Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York, announced formal charges against Nader Al-Naji, the founder of BitClout. The allegations center around the sale of $257 million in what the SEC claims are unregistered securities, distributed via BitClout’s native token, BTCLT.

Allegations of Misuse of Funds

The SEC’s complaint details a series of misappropriations by Al-Naji, including the use of $7 million from investor funds for personal indulgences. These expenditures include leasing a luxurious mansion in Beverly Hills and distributing substantial cash gifts to his family. This behavior directly contradicts his assurances to investors that the funds would not serve as compensation for any members of the BitClout team.

Securities and Exchange Commission complaint. Source: SEC

Misrepresentation of Project Operations

Further compounding the SEC’s case is the accusation that Al-Naji misrepresented the operational dynamics of the BitClout project. He is charged with misleading both investors and legal professionals by promoting the project as decentralized and without central oversight, while in reality, he maintained significant control over its operations.

In an official statement, Gurbir S. Grewal, director of the SEC’s Division of Enforcement, criticized Al-Naji’s approach:

“As alleged in our complaint, Al-Naji sought to sidestep federal securities regulations and deceive investors, erroneously believing that a facade of decentralization would confound regulators and hinder enforcement actions.”

Involvement of Family and Business Associates

The complaint also names Al-Naji’s wife, mother, and various associated business entities as relief defendants. These parties are alleged to have received funds improperly diverted from BitClout investor contributions.

Response from Stakeholders

In response to the SEC’s charges, Jordan and Luke Lintz, founders of HighKey Agency and investors in the Decentralized Social (DeSo) project initiated by Al-Naji, defended the integrity of the DeSo treasury. In their communication with Cointelegraph, they clarified:

“The SEC’s allegations specifically target the BitClout operations, and we can confirm that the funds within the DeSo project remain fully intact and untouched by these issues. We have no insights into Al-Naji’s personal dealings or the specific charges of personal misuse laid out by the SEC.”

AllegationDetailResponseImplicated Parties
Unregistered Securities$257 million in BTCLT tokensDefended project integrityNader Al-Naji
Misuse of Funds$7 million on luxury and giftsNo direct responseNader Al-Naji, family
MisrepresentationFalsely claimed decentralizationHighlighted legal evasion strategyNader Al-Naji
Integrity of DeSo TreasuryClaims of untouched fundsDefended by HighKey Agency foundersDeSo Project, HighKey Agency

The unfolding legal battle involving Nader Al-Naji paints a complex picture of the challenges and responsibilities facing founders within the cryptocurrency sector. As regulatory scrutiny increases, the outcomes of such cases could set significant precedents for the governance and transparency required in decentralized financial projects.

Featured image credit: fabrikasimf via Freepik

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Dayne Lee

With a foundation in financial day trading, I transitioned to my current role as an editor, where I prioritize accuracy and reader engagement in our content. I excel in collaborating with writers to ensure top-quality news coverage. This shift from finance to journalism has been both challenging and rewarding, driving my commitment to editorial excellence.

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