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White House Confirms Biden, Harris Not Invited to Arlington Event for Afghanistan Withdrawal Casualties

ByDayne Lee

Sep 2, 2024

White House Confirms Biden, Harris Not Invited to Arlington Event for Afghanistan Withdrawal Casualties

In a recent development, the White House and an aide to Vice President Kamala Harris have clarified that President Joe Biden and Vice President Harris were not invited to last week’s Arlington National Cemetery commemoration of the third anniversary of the attack at Abbey Gate in Afghanistan. This statement comes in response to assertions made by GOP Senator Tom Cotton and former Representative Tulsi Gabbard, suggesting otherwise.

The controversy began following former President Donald Trump’s visit to Arlington National Cemetery, where he participated in a commemorative event with Gold Star families. This group represents families who have lost members in military service. Trump’s presence and the taking of photos at a typically restricted section of the cemetery sparked significant media attention and criticism.

Official Statements and Reactions

White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby emphasized that Trump’s visit stemmed from a personal invitation by the families and highlighted the ongoing, albeit less publicized, efforts to support military families affected by the war in Afghanistan.

However, the event also saw allegations of inappropriate behavior, with claims that a member of Trump’s campaign staff forcibly interfered with cemetery staff duties.

On NBC News’ “Meet the Press,” Senator Cotton defended Trump’s actions, asserting that Gold Star families invited both Trump and Biden, the latter allegedly ignoring the invitation to attend personal leisure activities instead. Gabbard, in a CNN interview, reiterated this claim, criticizing Biden and Harris for their non-responsiveness and absence.

Trump’s Defense and Subsequent Campaign Actions

Trump defended his actions by stating that the photo opportunities were initiated by the families present, not by him or his staff. His campaign later used this defense in social media posts to counter criticism, with videos featuring family members expressing support for Trump and rebuking Biden and Harris.

The Biden administration has maintained that no formal invitation was extended to Biden or Harris for the event. This discrepancy has fueled further debate over the politicization of military commemorations, with both sides of the political spectrum leveraging the incident to criticize the other.

Trump, leveraging social media, continued to defend his actions, portraying himself as a respectful participant in the commemoration, while his opponents accused him of using the event for political gain.

The incident at Arlington has stirred a complex dialogue about respect, politicization, and the appropriate conduct at solemn events. It underscores the ongoing tension between current and former administrations and the ways in which such occasions are perceived and utilized in public and political realms.

This event’s fallout continues to unfold, reflecting deeper national divides and the challenges in maintaining decorum and respect in politically charged environments.

Featured image credit: Lisa Ferdinando via Flickr

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Dayne Lee

With a foundation in financial day trading, I transitioned to my current role as an editor, where I prioritize accuracy and reader engagement in our content. I excel in collaborating with writers to ensure top-quality news coverage. This shift from finance to journalism has been both challenging and rewarding, driving my commitment to editorial excellence.

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