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Taiwan’s Central Bank Announces No Set Timetable for Digital Currency Launch

ByYasmeeta Oon

Jul 9, 2024

Taiwan’s Central Bank Announces No Set Timetable for Digital Currency Launch

Taiwan’s central bank announced on Sunday that there is no set timetable for the launch of a digital currency, emphasizing the “huge and complex” nature of the undertaking. Despite this, the bank plans to hold public hearings next year to disseminate information and gather public input.

The central bank has been conducting a pilot program for a government-run digital currency. This initiative aims to enable the public to utilize digital wallets for payments, bypassing the need for debit or credit cards. In a report to parliament, the bank highlighted ongoing research and experimentation efforts to enhance the efficiency and innovative applications of the payment system.

“Although the bank currently has no timetable for issuing central bank digital currency, in the process of continuous research and experimentation it is already improving the processing efficiency and innovative application of the payment system,” the report stated.

Recognizing the widespread impact of introducing a digital currency, the central bank underscored the importance of broad communication. Public hearings and forums are scheduled for next year to promote awareness and understanding of the digital currency among the public. This announcement comes ahead of central bank governor Yang Chin-long’s scheduled session with lawmakers on Monday.

“The promotion of central bank digital currency is a huge and complex project that will need to be carried out for a long time,” the bank added.

The move by Taiwan’s central bank is part of a broader global trend towards exploring digital currencies. According to a study released in March, 134 countries, representing 98% of the global economy, are investigating digital versions of their currencies. Over half of these countries are in advanced development, pilot, or launch stages.

Supporters of digital currencies argue that they offer new functionalities and present an alternative to physical cash. However, the introduction of such currencies has also sparked protests in various countries due to concerns over potential government surveillance.

RegionStatusKey Points
North AmericaAdvanced DevelopmentEnhanced payment efficiency
EuropePilot ProgramsInnovative financial applications
AsiaLaunch StagesWidespread digital wallet adoption
AfricaEarly DevelopmentPotential for financial inclusion
South AmericaMixed StagesVarying levels of implementation
  • Complex Process: The central bank acknowledges the intricate nature of developing and implementing a digital currency.
  • Public Engagement: Public hearings and forums will be held next year to educate and involve the public.
  • Ongoing Research: Continuous research and pilot programs are improving the payment system’s efficiency.
  • Global Trend: Taiwan’s initiative is part of a global movement towards digital currencies, with significant developments in many countries.
  • Privacy Concerns: The potential for government surveillance has been a point of contention in several countries exploring digital currencies.

Taiwan’s central bank is meticulously approaching the development of its digital currency, ensuring that each step is carefully planned and executed. This methodical approach underscores the bank’s commitment to both innovation and stability in the financial system.

One of the primary goals of the digital currency pilot is to enhance the current payment infrastructure. By introducing a digital currency, the central bank aims to streamline transactions, reduce reliance on traditional banking cards, and offer a more efficient and accessible payment method. The bank’s report to parliament highlights significant progress in this area, noting improvements in processing efficiency and the innovative application of the payment system.

The decision to hold public hearings and forums is a strategic move to engage the population and ensure transparency. These events will provide a platform for the public to learn about the digital currency, ask questions, and provide feedback. This participatory approach is crucial in building public trust and ensuring widespread acceptance of the new currency.

Governor Yang Chin-long’s upcoming session with lawmakers will likely address key aspects of the digital currency initiative, including its potential benefits, challenges, and the timeline for further developments. This dialogue with lawmakers is essential for garnering legislative support and addressing any regulatory or policy concerns.

The introduction of a central bank digital currency (CBDC) has far-reaching implications for Taiwan’s financial system. It could potentially revolutionize how transactions are conducted, reduce transaction costs, and increase financial inclusion. However, it also poses significant challenges, including the need for robust cybersecurity measures and addressing privacy concerns.

Taiwan’s cautious and deliberate approach reflects an understanding of these challenges. By prioritizing public education and engagement, the central bank aims to mitigate potential risks and ensure a smooth transition to a digital currency.

Taiwan’s central bank is taking a comprehensive and careful approach to the development of its digital currency. While there is no fixed timeline for the currency’s launch, the bank’s ongoing research, pilot programs, and planned public hearings demonstrate a commitment to innovation and public involvement. As Taiwan moves forward with its digital currency initiative, it will continue to monitor global trends and adapt its strategies to ensure the successful implementation of this groundbreaking financial development.

Featured Image courtesy of Vecteezy

Yasmeeta Oon

Just a girl trying to break into the world of journalism, constantly on the hunt for the next big story to share.

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