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Gemini Distributes $2.18 Billion to Earn Users After 18-Month Freeze on Withdrawals

ByDayne Lee

Jun 1, 2024

Gemini Distributes $2.18 Billion to Earn Users After 18-Month Freeze on Withdrawals

Gemini, a prominent crypto exchange, has initiated the restitution of funds to users of its discontinued lending program, Gemini Earn. This move comes after an 18-month suspension of withdrawals, marking a significant development in the resolution of this financial impasse.

On May 29, Gemini announced that it had successfully disbursed $2.18 billion in digital assets to Earn users, effectively covering 97% of the total assets owed. This distribution represents a substantial 232% recovery rate since the interruption of withdrawals caused by issues with its former partner, Genesis.

Gemini’s statement clarified that users would receive their investments back in the same form as originally deposited. For example, if a user had lent one Bitcoin, they would receive exactly one Bitcoin back, including any appreciation that occurred while the funds were invested.

Background and Settlement Details

The reimbursement was facilitated by a settlement reached within the bankruptcy proceedings of Genesis Global, part of the Digital Currency Group (DCG). Genesis filed for bankruptcy in January 2023 following a liquidity crisis that began in November 2022. A recent court ruling authorized Genesis to return $3 billion in cash and cryptocurrency to its creditors, paving the way for this restitution.

Further solidifying the path to recovery, New York Attorney General Letitia James announced on May 20 that a $2-billion settlement had been secured with Genesis to resolve investor fraud claims. This settlement mandated Genesis to refund investors and cease its operations in New York, addressing allegations that Genesis misled investors who had deposited over $1.1 billion in the Gemini Earn program.

Implications of the Settlement

Gemini hailed the recovery as “unprecedented among crypto bankruptcies,” highlighting the effectiveness of the settlement with Genesis and other creditors. This agreement ensures that all Earn users will receive 100% of their digital assets back, a rare occurrence in similar bankruptcy scenarios.

Gemini’s statement also pointed out that the underlying issues leading to the Genesis bankruptcy were not inherent to cryptocurrencies but were instead due to “old-fashioned financial fraud” exacerbated by ambiguous regulatory frameworks. This distinction is crucial for understanding the broader implications of the case within the financial and regulatory landscape.

Comparative Analysis of Crypto Firm Bankruptcies

The collapse of Genesis follows the dramatic downfall of FTX in November 2022, which triggered a domino effect impacting several crypto firms. These events have prompted a reevaluation of financial practices and regulatory oversight within the cryptocurrency sector.

Total Funds Distributed$2.18 billion
Percentage of Assets Returned97%
Recovery Rate232%
Settlement DateMay 2023
Legal Settlement$2 billion with Genesis

The reimbursement process undertaken by Gemini represents a critical step towards resolving one of the significant disruptions in the cryptocurrency lending space. By successfully navigating through complex legal and financial challenges, Gemini has set a precedent for handling similar crises in the future. This case also underscores the need for clearer regulatory guidelines to prevent such occurrences and protect investor interests in the volatile crypto market.

Featured image credit: NurPhoto via Getty Images

Dayne Lee

With a foundation in financial day trading, I transitioned to my current role as an editor, where I prioritize accuracy and reader engagement in our content. I excel in collaborating with writers to ensure top-quality news coverage. This shift from finance to journalism has been both challenging and rewarding, driving my commitment to editorial excellence.

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