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LinkedIn Experimenting Premium Company Page Subscription with AI-Assisted Content Creation

ByHuey Yee Ong

Apr 22, 2024

LinkedIn Experimenting Premium Company Page Subscription with AI-Assisted Content Creation

LinkedIn has initiated a test phase for a new service targeting small and medium businesses, introducing the Premium Company Page subscription aimed at enhancing their visibility and engagement on the platform.

According to a report by TechCrunch, this service, potentially priced at $99 per month, will incorporate artificial intelligence for content creation and offer tools designed to increase follower counts and company profile prominence. This development is part of LinkedIn’s ongoing efforts to diversify its revenue streams and increase overall utility for its users.

The Premium Company Page feature was discreetly mentioned on LinkedIn about six days ago, attracting minimal attention until TechCrunch and a marketing consultant independently discovered the updates.

LinkedIn has confirmed the ongoing tests of this new offering. Suzi Owens, the senior director of communications at LinkedIn, expressed the platform’s commitment to enhancing customer experiences and helping them achieve their business objectives. “We’re always exploring new ways to enhance our customers’ experience and assist them in achieving their business goals,” Owens stated, confirming the initiative.

While the exact pricing details of this service are not fully disclosed, the marketing consultant noted that the fee structure starts at $99.99 monthly for each page, with a discounted rate of $839.88 per page annually available. This pricing strategy reflects LinkedIn’s broader approach to developing tiered services for different user segments, including individual professionals, recruiters, and now, businesses.

The suite of features under the Premium Company Page subscription includes several tools aimed at fostering greater interaction and visibility.

  • Visitor Review: Administrators can review recent visitors who haven’t disabled their privacy settings and invite them to follow the page. This feature extends the potential for engagement beyond the existing network limits.
  • Call to Action Buttons: Enables the creation of prominent buttons with contact or website details displayed at the top of the pages.
  • Testimonial Display: Testimonials can be prominently displayed at the top of the pages, enhancing the company’s credibility and attractiveness to prospective followers.

Furthermore, this initiative underscores LinkedIn’s strategic use of AI, leveraging its connection with Microsoft and OpenAI to integrate more AI-driven tools into the platform. The AI-assisted content creation is part of a broader trend of incorporating advanced technologies to streamline and optimize user interactions on the platform.

The introduction of the Premium Company Page is another layer in LinkedIn’s comprehensive array of services aimed at various user needs. These include:

  • Premium Career for job seekers
  • Premium Business for business intelligence
  • Sales Navigator for sales teams
  • LinkedIn Learning for professional development

The importance of premium services to LinkedIn’s business model is evident, with the company reporting a 25% year-on-year growth in Premium user subscriptions, which amounted to $1.7 billion in 2023. LinkedIn’s total revenue for that year reached $15 billion, with its recruiting business contributing $7 billion.

In addition to the functional enhancements, the Premium Company Page subscription also offers a golden badge verification, further distinguishing subscribed pages on the platform. This feature, along with the suite of engagement tools, represents LinkedIn’s latest endeavor to provide valuable and effective solutions for businesses striving to enhance their presence and connectivity in the professional community.

With the ongoing changes and challenges faced by other social platforms and search engines, where algorithms significantly influence user discovery and interaction, LinkedIn’s new premium offering aims to establish a more controlled and professional environment for businesses to thrive.

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Featured Image courtesy of Sundry Photography/Getty Images

Huey Yee Ong

Hello, from one tech geek to another. Not your beloved TechCrunch writer, but a writer with an avid interest in the fast-paced tech scenes and all the latest tech mojo. I bring with me a unique take towards tech with a honed applied psychology perspective to make tech news digestible. In other words, I deliver tech news that is easy to read.

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