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OKX Launches New Crypto Exchange and Wallet in the Netherlands

ByDayne Lee

Jun 4, 2024

OKX Launches New Crypto Exchange and Wallet in the Netherlands

OKX, a major global cryptocurrency exchange, is expanding its presence in Europe with the official launch of a local trading platform and a Web3 wallet in the Netherlands. This strategic move marks a significant step in OKX’s efforts to cater to the Dutch market by providing tailored financial services and integrating with local payment systems.

Launch Details

On June 3, OKX announced the inauguration of its centralized crypto exchange (CEX) and the OKX Wallet in the Netherlands. The CEX offers Dutch customers the ability to trade around 150 cryptocurrencies, with over 60 trading pairs available in euros.

To facilitate seamless transactions, OKX has integrated with iDeal, a popular local payment system, allowing for free euro deposits into user accounts. Additionally, the platform supports deposits and withdrawals through the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA), enhancing accessibility for European users.

Features and Offerings

The OKX CEX provides various services including spot cryptocurrency trading and staking. These offerings are designed to meet the diverse needs of traders ranging from novices to experienced investors.

Alongside the CEX, the launch of the OKX Wallet enables users to maintain full custody of their cryptocurrencies. This feature underscores OKX’s commitment to promoting financial autonomy and security for its users.

Strategic Expansion and Local Commitment

Erald Ghoos, OKX Europe General Manager, emphasized the exchange’s dedication to the Dutch market. The launch follows extensive preparations including the assembly of a local expert team and the adaptation of products based on user feedback.

OKX has been proactive in aligning with local regulations, registering as a crypto services provider with De Nederlandsche Bank since 2021 when it initially entered the Dutch market as Okcoin Europe. Additionally, OKX holds a virtual financial asset service provider license in Malta, highlighting its commitment to regulatory compliance.

Promotional Campaigns and User Engagement

In celebration of its launch, OKX is offering a new user bonus of up to 50 euros for customers who sign up by July 3. This initiative is part of OKX’s broader strategy to attract and retain a robust user base in the Netherlands.

While expanding in the Netherlands, OKX has also made strategic adjustments elsewhere, including the recent withdrawal of its application for a Virtual Asset Licensing Regime license in Hong Kong, a decision made alongside other exchanges such as Huobi and This reflects OKX’s flexible approach to global expansion, focusing on markets that align with its strategic objectives and regulatory expectations.

Service TypeDetails
Cryptocurrency Exchange150 cryptocurrencies, 60 euro trading pairs
Payment IntegrationiDeal for deposits, SEPA for wider Eurozone access
Web3 WalletAllows full custody of crypto assets
Regulatory StatusRegistered with De Nederlandsche Bank, compliant in Malta

OKX’s launch in the Netherlands is a testament to the exchange’s adaptive strategy and commitment to expanding its footprint in the European market. By offering a full suite of crypto trading services and ensuring compliance with local regulations, OKX is well-positioned to become a leading player in the Dutch cryptocurrency landscape.

Featured image credit: BeatingBetting via Flickr

Dayne Lee

With a foundation in financial day trading, I transitioned to my current role as an editor, where I prioritize accuracy and reader engagement in our content. I excel in collaborating with writers to ensure top-quality news coverage. This shift from finance to journalism has been both challenging and rewarding, driving my commitment to editorial excellence.

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