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Australia Implements Ban on Crypto and Credit Cards for Online Gambling

ByDayne Lee

Jun 12, 2024

Australia Implements Ban on Crypto and Credit Cards for Online Gambling

In a decisive move to protect its citizens from potential financial harm, the Australian government has instituted a ban on using cryptocurrencies and credit cards for online gambling. This measure aims to curb the financial risks associated with gambling by restricting access to credit-based payments.

New Regulations for Online Gambling

As reported by The Canberra Times on June 11, Australia has officially prohibited the use of digital currencies and credit cards for online gambling platforms. This ban aligns online gambling regulations with those already in place for land-based gambling establishments. However, it notably exempts certain forms of gambling, such as online lottery payments, which can still be made using credit cards.

Gambling TypePayment Restrictions
Online GamblingBan on cryptocurrencies and credit cards
Land-Based GamblingConsistent with new online gambling restrictions
Online LotteryExempt from credit card ban

The government has warned that companies failing to comply with these new rules could face substantial fines of up to 234,750 Australian dollars (approximately $155,000). This hefty penalty underscores the seriousness with which the government views this issue.

The ban covers a wide range of payment methods, including:

  • Cryptocurrencies: Digital assets like Bitcoin (BTC) are included under the new regulations.
  • Credit Cards Linked to Digital Wallets: Any credit card that is used in conjunction with a digital wallet for online gambling falls under the ban.
  • New Forms of Credit: Emerging credit solutions and payment technologies are also prohibited from being used for online betting.

Kai Cantwell, CEO of Responsible Wagering Australia, supports the government’s decision, highlighting that it makes it easier for individuals to control their gambling behavior. “This is an important measure to protect customers, making it easier for people to stay in control of their own gambling behavior,” Cantwell stated.

Payment MethodStatus under New Regulation
Bitcoin and other cryptocurrenciesProhibited
Credit cards (including linked wallets)Prohibited
Emerging forms of creditProhibited

Cantwell also urged the government to apply these protections uniformly across all forms of gambling to prevent users from gravitating towards less regulated gambling options, which could pose higher risks.

Transition Period and Enforcement

The gambling industry was granted a six-month transition period to adapt to the new regulations, which took full effect on June 11. The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) has been empowered to enforce these restrictions and ensure compliance across the sector.

AnnouncementDecember 2023Initial announcement of the regulation change
Transition PeriodJanuary – June 2024Industry given time to adapt to new rules
Full EnforcementJune 11, 2024Ban officially in effect, enforced by ACMA

Cryptocurrency users have a well-documented interest in betting on various outcomes, ranging from the value of newly launched memecoins to the results of significant regulatory decisions. For instance, on January 11, 2024, users of the betting platform Polymarket wagered a staggering $12 million on the outcome of the approval of spot Bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs).

EventBetting Activity
Spot Bitcoin ETF approval$12 million wagered on Polymarket
Spot Ether ETF approval$2.4 million wagered; resolved with May 23 approval

Apart from betting on financial instruments like Bitcoin ETFs, the crypto community also engages in more whimsical bets. These include predictions on how frequently tech mogul Elon Musk tweets or guessing the exact temperature increase in a given month.

Implications of the Ban

The ban’s introduction reflects a broader concern within Australia about the impact of gambling on public well-being. By restricting the use of credit and cryptocurrencies for online gambling, the government aims to minimize the risk of individuals accruing significant debts due to their gambling activities.

Financial ProtectionReduces risk of incurring debt through gambling
Consistency with Land-Based RulesAligns online and offline gambling regulations
Market ImpactPotential shift towards less regulated gambling forms

Furthermore, the decision to ban credit and digital currency payments in online gambling could drive innovation in the sector as operators seek alternative ways to engage their audiences within the new regulatory framework.

Australia’s stance on regulating online gambling with crypto and credit cards is part of a global trend where governments are increasingly scrutinizing digital currencies and their use in potentially high-risk activities. Countries worldwide are exploring ways to balance the benefits of financial innovation with the need to protect consumers from financial harm.

As other nations observe Australia’s regulatory approach, it could influence their own policies on digital assets and gambling. The ongoing dialogue about the role of cryptocurrencies in various sectors will likely continue to evolve as governments, businesses, and users navigate the complexities of this dynamic landscape.

Australia’s proactive measures to ban the use of cryptocurrencies and credit cards for online gambling represent a significant step in protecting its citizens from financial risks. By aligning these new rules with existing land-based gambling regulations, the government is fostering a safer and more controlled environment for gambling activities. As the global community watches, Australia’s approach may serve as a model for other countries grappling with similar challenges in the digital age.

Featured image credit: rorozoa via Freepik

Dayne Lee

With a foundation in financial day trading, I transitioned to my current role as an editor, where I prioritize accuracy and reader engagement in our content. I excel in collaborating with writers to ensure top-quality news coverage. This shift from finance to journalism has been both challenging and rewarding, driving my commitment to editorial excellence.

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