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VanEck Projects Bitcoin Could Reach $2.9 Million Per Coin by 2050

ByDayne Lee

Jul 28, 2024

VanEck Projects Bitcoin Could Reach $2.9 Million Per Coin by 2050

Investment management firm VanEck has projected a significant future value for Bitcoin, estimating that by 2050, the cryptocurrency could achieve a total market capitalization of $61 trillion. This would equate to approximately $2.9 million per Bitcoin. This forecast, detailed in a report published on July 24, is based on the anticipated demand for Bitcoin as a collateral asset for trade settlements and a reserve for central banks.

VanEck’s report suggests that Bitcoin could become integral to global trade, with the potential to settle 10% of international trade and 5% of domestic trade by 2050. Such widespread use could lead central banks to hold about 2.5% of their assets in Bitcoin, illustrating a dramatic shift in financial practices.

Scalability and Layer-2 Solutions

A key component of VanEck’s projection is the expected resolution of Bitcoin’s scalability issues through the implementation of Layer-2 (L2) solutions. The report estimates that these scaling solutions could collectively be valued at around $7.6 trillion, or roughly 12% of Bitcoin’s projected total value.

VanEck highlights the importance of these L2 solutions in overcoming Bitcoin’s scalability challenges, which have historically impeded its widespread adoption. The report suggests that advancements in Bitcoin’s infrastructure will be crucial to achieving the projected market capitalization.

VanEck attributes Bitcoin’s potential rise to a relative decline in the economic power of major economies such as the United States, the European Union, and Japan. The report foresees a decrease in confidence in the currencies of these economies due to uncontrolled deficit spending and fiscal mismanagement.

In this context of economic uncertainty, VanEck anticipates that businesses and consumers will increasingly turn to Bitcoin as a stable and neutral medium of exchange. Bitcoin’s immutable property rights and predictable monetary policy are expected to make it an attractive alternative to fiat currencies.

Decline of Traditional Currencies

The report points to the decreasing use of traditional currencies like the euro and Japanese yen in international transactions as a signal of Bitcoin’s potential growth. Specifically, the euro’s share of cross-border payments has fallen from approximately 22% in the mid-2000s to 14.5% today. Similarly, the yen’s share has decreased from 6.2% to 5.4% over the same period.

Despite the optimistic forecast, VanEck acknowledges several risks that could impact Bitcoin’s adoption. These include ongoing issues related to mining, scalability, and regulation. Additionally, the report notes that while gold has a long history as a global reserve asset, logistical, security, and integration challenges make a return to the gold standard unlikely.

VanEck identifies 16 promising Bitcoin Layer-2 projects that could play a role in the cryptocurrency’s future. Among these are well-known initiatives like the Lightning Network and Stacks, which are viewed as having high potential to address Bitcoin’s scalability issues and support its broader adoption.

Total Market Cap by 2050$61 trillion
Estimated Value Per Bitcoin$2.9 million
Bitcoin’s Share in Global Trade10% of international, 5% of domestic
Central Banks’ BTC Holdings2.5% of assets
Value of Layer-2 Solutions$7.6 trillion
Decline in Euro Share (2000s to Today)22% to 14.5%
Decline in Yen Share (2000s to Today)6.2% to 5.4%

VanEck’s report paints an ambitious picture of Bitcoin’s future, projecting significant growth in its market capitalization and its role in global trade and finance. While challenges remain, the anticipated advancements in scalability and shifting economic dynamics could pave the way for Bitcoin to become a major player in the financial landscape by 2050.

Featured image credit: user6702303 via Freepik

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Dayne Lee

With a foundation in financial day trading, I transitioned to my current role as an editor, where I prioritize accuracy and reader engagement in our content. I excel in collaborating with writers to ensure top-quality news coverage. This shift from finance to journalism has been both challenging and rewarding, driving my commitment to editorial excellence.

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