DMR News

Advancing Digital Conversations

Take2 Elevate Announce the Impact of Their Non-Profit Web Agency

ByEthan Lin

Aug 28, 2024

With technology increasingly intertwined with daily life, Take2 Elevate, a non-profit website developer in NZ, is making a tangible difference harnessing their power for social good. By donating profits to fund tech training and employment for people who have gone through the justice system, Take2 Elevate is not only bridging the digital divide but also empowering those who need it most, all while creating safer communities.

Founded by Cameron Smith, Take2 Elevate aims to support marginalised individuals with improved access to tech training and employment opportunities. Smith explains, “Technology can level the playing field, but only if everyone has access to the same tools and resources. That’s where we come in – to empower those who need it and create a more inclusive digital landscape and a brighter future for everyone involved.”

By offering premium web solutions to clients, the business generates profits that are reinvested into its charitable arm, Take2, founded in 2019. This self-sustaining model ensures that their philanthropic efforts continue to grow and flourish. Businesses can hire graduates from Take2’s three-year advanced technology and life skills training program, giving them a second chance to succeed in life. 

93% of participants are Māori or Pasifika and don’t have a bachelor’s degree. Take2 Elevate steps in to provide these individuals with the essential support and resources needed to succeed in the tech industry. Their comprehensive program includes a robust web development curriculum, industry workshops, counselling and community support, all designed to give participants a fresh start. By equipping these individuals with in-demand skills and pathways to meaningful employment, Take2 Elevate not only empowers them to build better futures for themselves and their families but also fosters safer, more resilient communities.

“Take2 Elevate’s impact is multifaceted. Not only do we provide essential website development services to organisations, but we also address the pressing issue of digital inequality,” says Smith. “By equipping individuals who need it most with in-demand tech skills, we’re enhancing their employability and economic prospects. This, in turn, contributes to a more diverse and inclusive tech industry.”

Take2 Elevate’s non-profit web agency is an example of how technology can be harnessed for the greater good. Through their innovative approach and dedication to social responsibility, they’re creating a more inclusive digital landscape and empowering marginalised individuals to thrive. 

For website design services in Auckland that can make a real difference, contact Take2 Elevate. 

Ethan Lin

One of the founding members of DMR, Ethan, expertly juggles his dual roles as the chief editor and the tech guru. Since the inception of the site, he has been the driving force behind its technological advancement while ensuring editorial excellence. When he finally step away from his trusty laptop, he spend his time on the badminton court polishing his not-so-impressive shuttlecock game.

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