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Disney’s Lion King Director Calls AI a ‘Wild West’ with Few Rules

ByYasmeeta Oon

Sep 10, 2024

Disney’s Lion King Director Calls AI a ‘Wild West’ with Few Rules

AI in the film industry presents both opportunities and challenges, according to Rob Minkoff, director of Disney’s The Lion King. Minkoff described artificial intelligence as a “Wild West” with few established rules but emphasized its potential to democratize filmmaking by reducing production costs and granting more people access to powerful tools. Speaking with CNBC at the Reply AI Film Festival in Venice, Minkoff suggested that AI could lead to an explosion of content and new voices in the industry, although concerns surrounding intellectual property and copyright need to be addressed.

Minkoff, who co-directed The Lion King (1994), likened the arrival of AI to the introduction of computer animation in the 1990s, which also sparked fears about job security. He pointed out that professionals who adapted to the new technology maintained relevance, a situation similar to today’s AI developments. While AI can render complex scenes, as seen in The Lion King’s iconic wildebeest stampede, Minkoff believes it won’t fully replace filmmakers. However, he acknowledged the legitimate concerns about AI’s potential to misuse intellectual property.

Minkoff suggested that a dedicated body could be created to protect filmmakers’ rights, much like how existing organizations manage copyright in the music industry. Although he understands the desire to slow AI’s progress to establish safeguards, he expects its momentum will continue as legal battles surrounding intellectual property unfold.

The Reply AI Film Festival, where Minkoff served as a judge, highlights the growing role of AI in film production. While some worry about AI’s impact on jobs, Reply’s chief technology officer Filippo Rizzante argued that it will shift how content is created rather than reduce employment in the entertainment industry. Filmmakers, such as Alexander de Lukowicz, co-director of Gia Pham, emphasized that while AI can enhance creative possibilities, humans remain crucial in guiding the technology to produce desired results.

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Yasmeeta Oon

Just a girl trying to break into the world of journalism, constantly on the hunt for the next big story to share.

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