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Crypto Exchanges Should Bear the Brunt of Security, Not Users

ByDayne Lee

Oct 25, 2024

Crypto Exchanges Should Bear the Brunt of Security, Not Users

At the recent Blockchain Life event held in Dubai, industry professionals deliberated on the distribution of security responsibilities within the cryptocurrency sector. Vugar Usi Zade, Chief Operating Officer at Bitget, emphasized in a Cointelegraph interview that crypto exchanges should not delegate the burden of security to their users. He argued that platforms should ensure the user experience is both intuitive and secure, thereby removing the necessity for users to manage safety protocols on their own.

Zade detailed several initiatives Bitget has implemented to fortify user security:

  • Delayed Payments: This feature allows Bitget to delay or outright cancel transactions deemed suspicious, thereby preventing potential fraud before any funds are moved.
  • Anti-Phishing Codes: Users can set up a unique code that will appear in all communications from Bitget, confirming the authenticity of the messages and distinguishing them from those sent by imposters.

These measures are part of Bitget’s broader strategy to preempt scams and secure user transactions actively.

Expanding on the discussion, Zade shared that Bitget’s approach includes monitoring and flagging known scam addresses. If a user attempts to send funds to a flagged address, Bitget alerts the user, adding an additional layer of security against potential scams.

Multi-Layered Security in the Crypto Industry

During a panel discussion led by Cointelegraph, Jason Jiang, Chief Business Officer at blockchain security firm CertiK, outlined the multi-layered nature of security in the cryptocurrency industry. According to Jiang, security responsibilities should be distributed as follows:

  • Community Level: Users and community members stay informed and vigilant against common scams.
  • Project Level: Crypto projects must undergo rigorous security audits to ensure their platforms are secure from vulnerabilities.
  • Exchange Level: Crypto exchanges should have the ability to freeze funds and transactions in the event of a hack to prevent further loss.
  • Regulatory and Enforcement Level: Regulators should establish and enforce robust policies to govern the crypto space, while law enforcement should actively investigate and pursue criminal activities.

Collaboration is Key

Jiang emphasized that securing the crypto space is a collective effort that requires cooperation across all levels—from individual users to global regulatory bodies. Each layer plays a critical role in creating a safe and secure environment for digital asset transactions.

To provide further insight into the importance of security in crypto transactions, the article could include expert opinions on the best practices for digital asset security and detailed case studies of past security breaches and their resolutions.

The discussions at the Blockchain Life event highlight a pivotal shift towards recognizing the importance of comprehensive security measures in the cryptocurrency industry. As the sector continues to evolve, the collaborative efforts of all parties involved will be crucial in establishing a secure and trustworthy digital asset environment.

Featured image credit: upklyak via Freepik

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Dayne Lee

With a foundation in financial day trading, I transitioned to my current role as an editor, where I prioritize accuracy and reader engagement in our content. I excel in collaborating with writers to ensure top-quality news coverage. This shift from finance to journalism has been both challenging and rewarding, driving my commitment to editorial excellence.

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