AI Detector Pro LLC is excited to announce AI Detector Pro Code, its latest AI detection product. AI Detector Pro Code is an AI detection tool that programmers can use to evaluate software developed using coding assistants. It offers a new way for independent software consulting firms or consultants to stay competitive with AI but with safeguards.
“We’ve been profitable, experienced huge growth, and expanded AI Detection into multiple geographic markets since we launched in 2023,” says Anagha Nadkarni, CEO at AI Detector Pro. “We’ve always been clear that we welcome advancements in AI and believe in making it safe and accessible for smaller businesses and independent consultants to stay competitive. We believe AI-generated code is the next major growth market for AI companies, and we’re proud to be an early entrant in this field.”
Features and benefits of AI Detector Pro Code include.
· Detects Code generated in Java, Python, JavaScript, C# and PHP
· Detects Code generated by all coding assistants, including ChatGPT, Gemini, and Claude
· AI Detector Pro code offers plugins for use with popular IDEs
AI Detector Pro Code offers plans for businesses of all sizes, as well as individual consultants. For more information on AI Detector Pro Code, visit