Spain Will Not Return To The Level Of Unemployment Prior To The Pandemic Until 2026, According To The IMF
Pessimism looms over the future of the Spanish economy. It is not only that this year the gross domestic product is going to fall as it has not done since…
Vestager: “We Will Demand More Responsibility From Big Technology”
The covid-19 pandemic has completely disrupted the agenda of the European Commissioner for Competition, Margrethe Vestager, who, like a large part of her team, focused on the authorization of emergency…
The Tax Authority (Airef) Recommends That The Self-employed Contribute Based On Their Real Income
The Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility (Airef) has defended this Wednesday that the self-employed should quote based on their real income, a proposal that is already on the Government table…
Spain Offers Fewer Lines Of Guarantees Than Large European Countries, But Achieves A Higher Demand
“The global fiscal response to the pandemic is unprecedented.” This sentence heads the part that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) dedicates, in its report on taxation , to the policies…
IMF Identifies Spain As The Economy Hardest Hit By The Coronavirus
The pandemic leaves a bleak outlook in Spain. Not only because of the shock of the spring lockdown – which in the second quarter caused the biggest drop in activity…
The Day Of The Iphone 12 Arrive We Expect From The Great Apple Event
Apple celebrates its long-awaited fall event in which it is expected to finally reveal the new iPhone 12 lineup after months of rumors and delays. The time will be 10.00…
Upper Karabakh Conflict Of More Than 30 Years That Threatens To Escalate Into A Regional War
When he saw the extent of the attacks on Stepanakert and other areas of Upper Karabakh, Hovig Asmaryan decided to send his three children to spend some time with their…
The Golden Age Of ‘coworking’ Crashes With The Virus
“As of March 15, everything went to hell.” Manuel Fernández is a partner and head of online marketing at Coworking La Fábrica , with four spaces in different areas of…
Taxes Of The Autonomies Sink 25% Due To The Pandemic
The communities have assigned a series of taxes, such as the one levied on the patrimony, the one that is applied to donations and inheritances or the one that is…
TikTok The Center Of The Technological Pulse Between Beijing And Washington
TikTok has become a weakling at the focal point of the contention between the two world powers: the United States pulls one arm, China the other. A week ago, a…