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Marcus Rashford Combats Child Food Poverty In U.K

ByMike Paul

Nov 23, 2020

Marcus Rashford Combats Child Food Poverty In U.K

The corona pandemic has brought hard times to many people, whether financially, physically, or mentally. Many people have had no source of income during this tough time. Apart from that, many people, along with their children, have come under absolute poverty during the crisis. Besides income, many people have not been able to get their daily bread as well. People haven’t been just living during this pandemic, but they have survived. However, the government has mostly neglected the vulnerable sections of society.

Measures by government

Although the government has taken necessary steps to combat the spread of the disease, measures have not existed to protect the vulnerable sections of society. Such is the U.K situation, where the government has indirectly neglected the children who have come under complete hunger poverty. It is the 23-year-old soccer player Marcus Rashford who came to their rescue.

Ways The Soccer Star Provided Help

The soccer star forced the government with legal petitions to offer free meals in government schools. The government was reluctant at first, but due to the outpouring of petitions, the government had to give in. Millions of free meals have now been offered in government schools in the U.K to help provide nourishment to children. Apart from that, end hunger poverty campaigns have also been carried out to end child hunger poverty in different parts of the U.K.
At least millions of children die worldwide due to hunger in different parts of the world. There have been millions of times where the government was unwilling to take any measures in favor of them and has shown negligence whenever it came to the poor sections of the society. Rashford was convinced of the government’s ways and decided to finally end the problems faced by the lower sections of the community.

Memories That Motivated Rashford

The soccer player said he reminisced of his childhood memories, where he was hit by poverty and had to rely on free school meals for his daily nutrition. However, when the schools would close for holidays, there would be no meals offered, and children would be struck by absolute hunger poverty. To end this crisis, Rashford decided to start a petition and was overwhelmed by the people’s response in the U.K. The petition garnered over 1 million signatures, and the government couldn’t neglect the situation anymore.

Is the current situation in control?

Although the condition may have seemed to be controlled up to some extent, it may be hard to digest that child food poverty may no end just like the pandemic. Apart from the U.K, many other countries are going through this condition resulting in millions of deaths. Apart from children, pregnant mothers also lack the daily nourishment needed.

Current situation

Currently, 1.7 million children have been fed by free school meals, thanks to the soccer star’s petition. Hopefully, many government systems will be inspired by this move and will work further to help the vulnerable sections of society.

Mike Paul

Mike was one of the founding members of DMR, he was a pivotal figure in the early stages of DMR. Mike has since left the team to pursue his career in software development.

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