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Life After The Biggest Pandemic Ever- Covid-19

ByMike Paul

Nov 21, 2020

Life After The Biggest Pandemic Ever- Covid-19

One of the most important events in this century was in the first month of November in 2019. This was when the first case of coronavirus circulated in the industrial city of Wuhan, China. This event was pretty much unprecedented in the history of mankind. It took four months for the coronavirus to be a global phenomenon. People from throughout the globe were affected due to this virus in some way or form. Due to coronavirus, multiple countries in the plant implemented a strict lockdown. Lockdown destroyed businesses, people’s livelihood, and pretty much-destroyed homes. The effect was pretty hard, especially in the economically weaker section of the society. Many left their homes in the cities to go to their ancestral homes and find means to live there. The world saw the worst recession ever, and some economists even called this the greatest depression ever affecting the world.

Understanding the root of the cause

But the hope was not lost. Almost all the countries began tackling the roots of the problem, which was creating the antidote, a vaccine that would cure the effects of coronavirus. As the number of patients increased and crossed the ten million marks, many private firms and pharmaceutical companies started doing their research and started developing the vaccine.

The race for the covid-19 vaccine:

Pfizer, one of the world’s major pharmaceutical companies, announced that their covid vaccine had passed all the tests they had performed and are waiting for the proper authority’s approval for launching the vaccine to the general public. Pfizer has said that their vaccine would be 90 percent effective and would cure almost all patients with the coronavirus.
Pfizer and all the other big pharma companies are seeking fo regulatory approval so that they easily distribute their shots in large quantities in late November. Another pharma giant AstraZeneca hoped that they would get their approval from Britain’s regulatory body by the end of this year.

How are the tests conducted:

● The test is done in bulk to increase the pace of the development. Pfizer and the German firm BioNTech have enrolled almost 45 thousand people in their test to see their vaccine effect.
● The shots are given in a very peculiar and monitored manner. They are generally called for the second shot 2 to 4 weeks later. Scientists have said that the time after the second dosage is very important because the key tracking starts after that.
● People who have covid symptoms and those who have tested positive for it are given special attention.
● After then, another body determines whether the vaccines have worked or not. They are called the data and safety monitoring board or DSMB. In short, they have no connection with the vaccine makers. They are pretty much a group of scientist and statistician that work independently.

So, in the end, science work at its own pace, and no matter how much one works on it, it’s a slow process. So humanity’s only choice right now is to be patient and wait for the scientist to do their job.

Mike Paul

Mike was one of the founding members of DMR, he was a pivotal figure in the early stages of DMR. Mike has since left the team to pursue his career in software development.

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