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MtoZ Biolabs Announces Advanced C-Terminal Sequencing Service for Biochemical Research

ByEthan Lin

Sep 18, 2024

MtoZ Biolabs offers state-of-the-art C-terminal sequencing service utilizing LC-MS/MS technology, ensuring high sensitivity and specificity while maintaining compliance with ICH Q6B regulatory guidelines. Our one-stop service provides customized experimental protocols, detailed data reports and accurate C-terminal amino acid sequence information to support the research and development of various biological products.

Service Advantages

1.Comprehensive C-Terminal Analysis
Detailed examination of the protein’s C-terminal end, including identification of post-translational modifications (PTMs).

2.Advanced LC-MS/MS Technology
Utilizes cutting-edge LC-MS/MS for accurate C-terminal sequencing across various biological samples, including proteins, antibodies, peptides, vaccines, and recombinant collagen, ect.

3.Regulatory Compliance
Conforms to ICH Q6B guidelines, ensuring reliable and reproducible results.


1.Experimental Procedures
2.Parameters of Liquid Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry
3.MS Raw Data Files
4.N/C-Terminal Amino Acid Sequences

Ethan Lin

One of the founding members of DMR, Ethan, expertly juggles his dual roles as the chief editor and the tech guru. Since the inception of the site, he has been the driving force behind its technological advancement while ensuring editorial excellence. When he finally step away from his trusty laptop, he spend his time on the badminton court polishing his not-so-impressive shuttlecock game.

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