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Brazil’s Awaited 5g Tender Yields Billions In Investment

ByMike Paul

Nov 26, 2021

Brazil’s Awaited 5g Tender Yields Billions In Investment

Brazil holds its anticipated auction for building the nation’s 5th wireless network generation. Modern technology always promises faster speed and less lag while connected to any network and this ability to connect with more devices makes it more interesting on the internet platform. But many ambitious auctions have been made to address the profound digital inequalities of the country by forcing the well-known builders to build and improve a wireless infrastructure.

Brazil’s tender auction was not finished on Thursday as it has already led to many pledges for 30 billion reals by investing from different mobile operators like Telefonica, Claro, and Tim. The government expects that the auction could continue till Friday for bringing 50 billion reals. National telecommunications authorities and legislators have learned about this auction. Many debates around 5G are having wireless operators allowed to partner with Hawaii  Chinese telecommunication at a later stage.

Spread in the Use of 5G

It is considered to be the center of the diplomatist battle in between China and the US. The officials of the US suspected that the Chinese government used the network equipment of Huawei. The government of the US has also pressed other countries, including Brazil, for banning Hawaii from building a 5G network and citing security concerns. Many legislators and experts save that Hawaii, which has not participated in the auction, might enter this game after some time. Once the operators have built this infrastructure, they will require installing hardware for radio antennas to connect and work with the new wireless network.

The auction held by the largest communication tender of Brazil aimed to expand digital inclusion by prioritizing the investment over different state coffers. The administration expects that 20% will move to the federal treasury and build new infrastructure by improving the existing network. Aside from the 5G network, the winning bidders should bring wireless connectivity with 4G to 10 million people present in northern Brazil and 500 villages in the Amazon region.

Brazil is the first American country to have a 5G network, and other countries have started installing some of the 5G networks. This plan for covering more than 31,000 km of federal highway using 5G coverage will provide facilities to many public schools that don’t have internet facilities.

Final Approval to 5G

The federal audit court of Brazil has approved the tender of the 5G process officially, through which the government will be able to auction the frequencies for 5G. According to some previous reports, the option is expected to raise 45 billion reals. Technology, the ministry of science communications, and the innovations of Brazil have approved the 5G auction process in the year 2020. Earlier, Anatel confirmed that the mobile operators of Brazil don’t rely on the dynamic spectrum of sharing technology, allowing 5G and 4G networks for operating the same spectrum band to get 5G services in Brazil. Many rules have also obliged the operators to cover vast northern Amazon reasons broadband connectivity and fiber cables in a river by building a separate and secured network for the federal government.

There are many ways to support the Brazilian government as it develops potentiality and opportunities for the Brazilians into the market. There are many opportunities to break into an open RAN developing own domestic industry.

Mike Paul

Mike was one of the founding members of DMR, he was a pivotal figure in the early stages of DMR. Mike has since left the team to pursue his career in software development.