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LSIGraph – The Best Keyword Research Tool Out There?

ByHuey Yee Ong

Nov 16, 2022

LSIGraph – The Best Keyword Research Tool Out There?

If you’re a marketer, business owner, or content writer, the ultimate dream is to have your content rank on the first page of Google. That visibility is what drives traffic to your website.

But with the current competition, making it to the Top 10 of SERPs (Search Engine Results Page) is nearly impossible without an SEO strategy implementation.

And implementing an SEO strategy is highly impractical without an SEO tool.

There’s an abundance of SEO tools available that paints big dreams of ranking high and gaining unstoppable traffic to its users.

One such tool, LSIGraph, promises its users that it will help them write SEO content with confidence and 10x their site’s traffic.

In this review, we’ll do a deep dive into LSIGraph and, by the end of this, decide whether it’s worth getting or just another run-of-the-mill SEO keyword research tool.


What is LSIGraph?

LSIGraph is an SEO tool that analyzes its user’s content and guides them on optimizing it so their content can perform better in SERP rankings and increase traffic.

SERP rankings are affected by on-page SEO, technical SEO, and off-page SEO. LSIGraph focuses mainly on improving on-page SEO, which is the actual content on a webpage.

Many content creators have trouble perusing through Google’s ranking factors and deciding which ones are the most important to focus on. LSIGraph takes this problem away by focusing on a few key metrics they deem most impactful to a website’s search engine ranking.

How Does LSIGraph Score in Terms of Effectiveness, Ease of Use, and Pricing?

Effectiveness: 4/5. Tools are highly relevant and suggestions are effective in improving content.

Ease of Use: 4.5/5. User-friendly and fast. Tools are straightforward to use, and in-depth tutorials are provided.

Pricing: 5/5. LSIGraph has monthly, annual, and lifetime plans to suit its user’s needs. Starting at just $29/month, LSIGraph is one of the more affordable SEO tools out there.

LSIGraph’s Big 3 Cornerstones of SEO Success

Having researched which metrics matter the most in boosting one’s SEO ranking, LSIGraph decides to focus on what it deems as the “Big 3”: Keywords, Content Writing & Optimization, and Content Mapping.

As such, their main tools specifically correspond to those 3 factors and focus on ways the user can improve their content by selecting the best keywords, optimizing their content, and interlinking their pages.

In line with its focus on the “Big 3” areas, LSIGraph provides its users with three main tools to help improve their SERP ranking:

  1. Keyword Research Tool
  2. Planner
  3. Content Writer

Keyword Research Tool

A lot of creators choose to jump in head-first and straight away write their content while skipping the most critical step: keyword research and selection.

Keywords are one of the, if not the most important key in helping a page rank high on SERPs. 

To allow their content a fighting chance, a creator should choose the best keywords that have the highest opportunity their content can rank for. And that is exactly what LSIGraph’s Keyword Research Tool does. It helps you do keyword research so that you can identify valuable keywords that can be used to either create new content or optimize an existing one.

Using it is easy and straightforward.

You type your target keyword into its search bar and LSIGraph shows you a rich analysis of that keyword.

LSIGraph’s Keyword Research Tool search bar

LSIGraph will return to you important information about your target keyword; this includes related keywords, search trend, monthly search volume, keyword difficulty, cost-per-click, competition level on Google Ads, and our favorite: the Opportunity Score.

Keyword Analytics

The Opportunity Score is unique to LSIGraph and not found in other SEO tools. It tells you which keywords will get you the most traffic with the least effort by considering factors like monthly search volume, search volume trend, keyword difficulty, and length of the keyword. 

Basically, it does the thinking work for you so you don’t have to.

What’s also neat about this tool is that if you hover your mouse over any of the metrics, it tells you what it means.

Opportunity Score’s definition

Similar to most SEO tools out there, LSIGraph has a SERP Analyzer built into their Keyword Research Tool. You can easily eyeball your competitors by looking at the top-ranking pages and their content breakdowns.

SERP Analyzer

LSIGraph’s Topic Clustering feature automatically groups related keywords by topic so you don’t have to manually sort them yourself. Having your keywords grouped together in topic clusters allows you to easily select multiple keywords to target.

Topic Clustering

Once you’ve considered all factors, you can finally choose your keywords and seed these keywords to the Planner or the Content Writer, which we’ll talk about next.


Once you’ve decided on your chosen keywords, you can seed them to the Content Planner where you can visualize and plan how to interlink your pages.

In its goal to give search users the best result possible to answer their queries, Google looks at one’s domain expertise as well. To show Google you have everything a user is looking for and more, you need to have multiple contents that are interlinked with each other.

Having contextually interlinked pages in your website can help push it up the SERP ranking because it also allows Google’s bots to easily crawl your website, index it, and rank it for users to see.

Having a lot of content that can cover as many areas of a topic as possible is good, but it can be a headache to interlink them all.

LSIGraph’s Planner helps you simplify this process by letting you create a silo where you can plan your target keywords around a topic and map out their relationship. 

Content Planner

Once you have the big picture mapped out, you can finally start writing your content – while having LSIGraph help you along the way with their Content Writer.

Content Writer

The last piece of the puzzle to creating high-ranking and traffic-attracting content is, of course, writing the actual content.

There’s writing good content, and there’s writing optimized content that both search users and Google likes. And essentially, what is popular with search users is what Google prefers as well. You want to make sure that not only is your content of good quality, it also needs to answer the search user’s questions.

LSIGraph’s third tool, the Content Writer, helps you produce highly-optimized content that will both answer a search user’s queries and improve your ranking signals for Google.

In short, the Content Writer acts like a writing coach who’s there with you every step of the way, to make sure that you’re writing the best content there is. 

The Content Writer looks at a few different things when optimizing your content, with the emphasis being on Contextual Terms

Contextual Terms are terms that are frequently used and emphasized by top-ranking pages. By using more contextual terms in your content, it builds up the context relevancy.

While writing, you will see contextual terms you can add to your content to increase its contextual relevance and make Google drive traffic to your page.

Content Writer suggests Contextual Terms to use

It also lets you know how many times you’ve used a contextual term in your content, and how many times you should be using it for higher optimization.

Further, clicking on a contextual term will show you how top-ranking pages are using it so that you can brainstorm and figure out how to use it for your own.

Examples of use

Next, you’ll be able to gauge how well-optimized your content is by looking at your Content Score, which updates in real time as you write.

Content Score updates in real time

You can also see key metrics of your content (word count, headings, paragraph, images, and more) and targets you want to reach for optimization.

You’ll also be provided with specific and actionable suggestions to improve your content’s SEO.

Actionable suggestions to increase your Content Score

Additional features included in the Content Writer are:

  • Related keywords – This works similarly to the Keyword Research Tool and shows you related keywords to your target keyword
  • SERP Analyzer – Analyzes top-ranking pages and gives you their content breakdown
  • Popular questions – These are questions extracted from top-ranking pages for you to include and answer in yours
  • Frequently-linked pages – You will see pages top-ranking are linking to so you can do the same

Bulk Keyword Research

Another nifty tool LSIGraph has is the Bulk Keyword Research Tool.

It does exactly as it sounds – it allows you to research up to 500 keywords at once so you can do keyword research more efficiently.

This is especially useful if you already have a CSV file of your keywords. You can simply import the file and not worry about having to type them all manually.

Verdict: Is LSIGraph Worth Getting?

With a multitude of SEO tools out there, it’s tricky to research all of them and choose the best one. With all that being said, is LSIGraph worth it, or is it just another tool that doesn’t bring anything new to the table?

Our answer is: LSIGraph has everything you need to write high-ranking content and even more.

LSIGraph makes it easy for you because it tells you exactly what to focus on and how to improve it. In short, they give you data, and they tell you what to do with the data.

All of the tools work seamlessly together and guide you throughout the entire process of producing the best content out there. It takes you all the way from researching to brainstorming, planning, and finally, writing. You can start from scratch and end up with well-planned and highly-optimized content.

LSIGraph is also on the more innovative side of the SEO tools out there as they have some features unique to them and not found elsewhere:

  • Content Planner: This mapper helps you organize your content and maximize your interlinking opportunities.
  • Opportunity Score: This additional metric in their keyword research tool does the brain work for you and shows you the best keywords that will give you the highest ROI with the least effort.

If you’re out there looking for the best SEO tool to help you in topping SERPs and outranking your competition, LSIGraph is the tool you need. Its user-friendly interface and innovative tools will help you get there at a highly competitive price.

Huey Yee Ong

Hello, from one tech geek to another. Not your beloved TechCrunch writer, but a writer with an avid interest in the fast-paced tech scenes and all the latest tech mojo. I bring with me a unique take towards tech with a honed applied psychology perspective to make tech news digestible. In other words, I deliver tech news that is easy to read.