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TSMC’s first-quarter earnings projected to increase by 5% due to robust demand for AI chips.

ByYasmeeta Oon

May 2, 2024

TSMC’s first-quarter earnings projected to increase by 5% due to robust demand for AI chips.

TAIPEI— Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. (TSMC), the world’s leader in advanced chip manufacturing, is gearing up to unveil its first-quarter earnings this Thursday, with expectations set for a significant profit increase. This comes as a result of robust demand for its cutting-edge chips, widely utilized in burgeoning artificial intelligence (AI) technologies.

As the largest contract chipmaker globally, TSMC services high-profile clients such as Apple and Nvidia. The company has successfully navigated the post-pandemic decrease in electronics demand, leveraging the AI surge to propel its market standing and push its shares to unprecedented heights.

  • Expected Q1 Net Profit: T$217.2 billion ($6.71 billion)
  • Comparison to Last Year: Up from T$206.9 billion in the same quarter of the previous year
  • Revenue Increase: First-quarter revenue rose by 16.5%, surpassing market forecasts and meeting the upper range of company projections

TSMC’s financial success is not just a marker of corporate achievement but also an indicator of broader economic trends, especially in the semiconductor industry which is pivotal to several advanced technologies. The firm’s recent revenue growth outpaces general market trends, illustrating a strong demand for semiconductors amid an AI-driven market.

Last week, TSMC reported an impressive leap in its first-quarter revenue, defying earlier market predictions. This revenue growth underscores the strategic importance of TSMC’s operational expansions, including its decision to construct a third fabrication plant (fab) in Arizona. This move is strategically aligned with global tech shifts and U.S. economic interests, particularly after securing $6.6 billion in U.S. subsidies to support the new facilities.

Eric Yao, Vice President at Taiwan’s Eastspring Investments, highlighted the significance of these developments: “With these subsidies, TSMC is well-positioned to maintain, if not extend, its technological lead in advanced process technologies, something its competitors, Intel and Samsung, are striving hard to match.”

  • Future Outlook: Analysts at Fubon Securities anticipate an upward revision in TSMC’s forecasts for AI demand, suggesting that AI could constitute a larger segment of TSMC’s revenue by 2025, ahead of previous estimates for 2026.
  • Stock Performance: TSMC’s stock has seen a dramatic increase of 36% this year, significantly outperforming the 14% gain observed in the broader market.
TSMC’s Financial Highlights
MetricQ1 2023Q1 2022Year-on-Year Change
Net ProfitT$217.2 billionT$206.9 billion+5%
RevenueT$508.1 billionT$436.5 billion+16.5%
Stock Performance36% increase26% increase+10% point increase

The semiconductor industry is at a crossroads with technological advancements and geopolitical tensions shaping its landscape. TSMC’s strategic decision to expand its manufacturing capabilities in the U.S. is timely, as it aligns with the country’s focus on bolstering domestic chip production to secure supply chains and reduce dependency on Asian markets.

  • Earnings Call: TSMC’s earnings call is scheduled for 0600 GMT on Thursday, where further details about the company’s financial health and strategic direction will be disclosed.
  • Market Trends: The ongoing AI revolution and its impact on semiconductor demand.
  • Global Supply Chain: How TSMC manages supply chain dynamics amid geopolitical shifts.

In summary, TSMC’s upcoming earnings report is highly anticipated by investors and industry analysts alike. The company’s ability to stay ahead in the highly competitive semiconductor market, combined with strategic international expansions and the booming demand for AI chips, sets the stage for what could be another landmark year for the tech giant.

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Featured Image courtesy of DALL-E by ChatGPT

Yasmeeta Oon

Just a girl trying to break into the world of journalism, constantly on the hunt for the next big story to share.

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