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Online Sign-ups Complicate Vaccine Rollout for Older People

ByMike Paul

Jan 31, 2021

Online Sign-ups Complicate Vaccine Rollout for Older People

2021, as everyone hoped and expected, did turn out to be a good year from the beginning. If not so good, it is still a bit better than the last year. The news of the covid-19 vaccine had been headlining the news channels and newspapers for months now, and within the last months of 2020, rigorous tests were conducted in many stages to prove the credibility of each vaccine around the world. The world geared up to make the vaccine available in 2021, and many nations came true to their words.

The vaccine is now doing rounds in many countries, many ingrown and many imported. Nobody imagined it to take this long, and then, looking at the immediate and fast news in late 2020, nobody imagined it to be this quick. Nevertheless, it is here, and the world now sees a new tension before its eyes – whether vaccines will work.

Tensions surround the implementation of vaccination

As many people already know if they are updated with the news about vaccinations, many countries are persistent in providing the vaccine to elder people first. Looking at the statistics of the coronavirus cases, old people have suffered the most. The virus was found to affecting them the most. Plus, the older people with some chronic disease were at the highest risk. There were multiple and consistent articles about this highly acclaimed initiative by many nations’ governments.

However, on the face of this, some governments that did not give priority to the elderly were ridiculed. So, in these nations, tension rose as the actual process of vaccination began. The elderly people complained as they never got a chance to get vaccinated. It is horrible to do that to someone. And especially when you know that they are the most exposed to the virus. It is not right in any way.

Why is this problem present?

The problem with this problem is with the people who set these rules. Not prioritizing the older citizens and purposefully leaving them vulnerable to die is the cruellest thing one can do. Since such people are in power, they can do anything. This problem sprang up with the announcement that the citizens of a country can register online for their vaccination. Now, you know how well-versed the younger generation is with the Internet, and how upside-down opposite is true in the case of older people.

The older generation simply DOES NOT know how to go about registering online, and they are calling up the officials to book their appointment. They are in the worst situation possible. Those who have their grandchildren or the like at home to register for them are still lucky. But what about the ones online who have never touched a touchscreen phone or a computer mouse?

It is total disregard and inhumanity against the older generation. Although the news pacers are covering how online sign-ups complicate vaccine rollout for older people, very less is done as of now to correct the wrong going on here in this deadly situation.

Mike Paul

Mike was one of the founding members of DMR, he was a pivotal figure in the early stages of DMR. Mike has since left the team to pursue his career in software development.

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