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Know why France urges green habits with new cards ads on plastic

ByEthan Lin

Jan 28, 2022

Know why France urges green habits with new cards ads on plastic

Environmental degradation has been a major concern worldwide, and countries are trying to overcome it with new methods and techniques. Each country is coming up with newer and better ideas to help preserve the environment and giveth future generations a cleaner and greener environment to live in. One of the countries that have shown magnificent effort in implementing new laws to bring about a change is France. Putting new rules and regulations in place, France has endeavored to lead a better tomorrow. 

New Methods adopted by France

In the coming year, the French Government has decided to encourage its people to help save the environment by adopting new methods and environment-friendly habits. It has been devised to end all those activities that affect the environment in any way. The French President, Emanuel Macaron, has taken green initiatives to reduce the effect of harmful gases emitted by vehicles and greenhouse emissions. The gases released by vehicles are one of the major reasons behind environmental pollution. Hence, laws are required to put an end to it. 

Apart from this, the President has also banned plastics for selling grocery and food items. It has been declared that from the coming Saturday, the Government shall put an end to the selling of leeks, carrots, tomatoes, potatoes, apples and pears, and many other such items in plastic bags. The use of plastics has further affected the environment and has led to environmental degradation. Many studies and researches have shown the harmful effects of plastic use. Even though plastic is still going to be used for some fruits that need plastic to maintain it, the Government is trying to put an end to it completely in the coming times. Instead of plastic, the Government plans to promote other recyclable materials to help save the environment from further degradation. 

France takes green initiatives

Apart from the above-said restrictions, the Government will also ban the use of plastics covering magazines and newspapers and has prohibited restaurants from selling toys made out of plastic. The French Government, in an attempt to get people committed to this idea, is trying out new methods of advertising it. It has planned to make car ads that would encourage people to choose a greener way of transportation and contribute to saving the environment. They plan to run ads encouraging people to opt for one means of communication out of three. These three methods are as follows:-

  • To encourage more people to carpool together to avoid using more vehicles.
  • To encourage people to use public transportation regularly and avoid using individual vehicles.
  • To encourage people to use bicycles as their means of transportation. 

The Government has also planned to include all advertising mediums under these regulations, and those who fail to commit shall face fines. It will also appoint call centers to communicate with their customers about the harmful effects of data usage and other activities on the environment. These steps have been taken to create awareness among the general public and make them more alert and conscious about the environment. 

Ethan Lin

One of the founding members of DMR, Ethan, expertly juggles his dual roles as the chief editor and the tech guru. Since the inception of the site, he has been the driving force behind its technological advancement while ensuring editorial excellence. When he finally step away from his trusty laptop, he spend his time on the badminton court polishing his not-so-impressive shuttlecock game.