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Keyword Discovery Tool: Tips for Beginners Doing SEO

ByClaire Le

Mar 11, 2022

Keyword Discovery Tool: Tips for Beginners Doing SEO

While the importance of keyword research has remained steady, the methods have evolved in concern with more intelligent search engines and changing user preferences. Choosing the right keyword discovery tool is a vital step, and using it effectively when doing SEO is another important thing.

You will learn:

  • The necessary of a keyword discovery tool
  • 4 things you should look for in a keyword discovery tool
  • The best tool for your keyword research process and tips to choose the keyword lists.

When someone is looking for a product or service, they will go to the internet for help. What they will do is enter a query into a search engine and take a look at the top results. 

Therefore, if you want an increase in customers, readers, or traffic, you need to target the right keywords people commonly search for when they are looking for a product or service.

This is when you need to do keyword research to find the relevant keywords. But before you dive into keyword research, it helps to have a tool on hand to assist with the process. A keyword discovery tool like LSIGraph will be a great choice for you.

Why do you need a keyword discovery tool?

SEO is a strategy that you use to improve your search engine rankings. The goal is to appear high up on the search engine results page so people searching for information, products, or services can locate your website. Of course, you need to target the right words and phrases to improve your rankings for the keywords and key phrases that are relevant.  

The first 5 organic results in the SERPs account for 67.6% of all clicks. That means ranking higher can get you more site traffic. In order for that to happen, you’re required to target the right keywords on your content.

On the other hand, 15% of all Google search terms have never been searched for before. It also means that if you can not target the right keywords, your content will never be discovered.

The two facts reclaim the importance of keywords in order to make your content visible and rank higher.

With the help of a keyword discovery tool, you can find keywords easier. A keyword tool can help you determine the relevance of certain terms. For example, are there long-tail keywords that are lengthier and more specific, and thus less competitive? When long-tail keywords are highly relevant to your website or business, they may still provide you with an array of benefits if you can rank high for them. 

In addition, the best keyword researcher will also help you take a look at what the competition is doing. If there is a competing website that consistently ranks ahead of you, a strong keyword checker can help you figure out what they are doing differently so that you can jump over them. You can analyze their website and determine what your company may need to do and improve your rankings for keywords you’re both going after.

a keyword discovery tool can show you the real time data

Finally, a free keyword tool can also provide you with real-time keyword results and data about the keywords. A strong keyword search tool will also help you keep track of your metrics. For example, you want to keep an eye on your rankings on Google. Using strong SEO search tools, you can keep track of which keywords are providing you with the best results. The most relevant keywords to your industry are going to change from time to time. You want the most recent data. 

What should you look for in a keyword discovery tool?

You may ask – should I pay for a keyword research tool? Of course, the answer depends on many things.

Ease of Use: 

You must consider the ease of use of the tool. It can have a simple interface, easy-to-navigate features, eye-catching design, and so on. For people who are not tech-savvy, the tool that has simple visual and navigatable features is the top priority.

Depending on your need and preferences, you can choose the one that is suitable.

Comprehensive Keyword Results: 

When using a keyword tool, you might expect to receive a number of keywords. So this is what you need to consider next. You should choose the tool that is able to give you at least 50 keywords instead of the one that only gives 10 keywords. 

4 things you should look for in a keyword discovery tool

In-Depth Keyword Metric: 

Understand not only what the right keywords are, but their frequency, the traffic they drive, how difficult they are to rank, and the cost to buy advertising to appear on them. Don’t just look for keywords, instead, you also need to know its metrics to identify the value of that keywords.

Content-Ready Keyword Suggestions:

This point can be optional. But if a tool has this feature, you better choose it (It can save you a lot of time and effort when brainstorming your content). 

The suggestions usually come from the top-performing content on the SERP. It will show you the types of content that are popular for your target keyword.  

The best keyword discovery tool for you: LSIGraph

LSIGraph is a keyword research tool that we want to introduce to you. 

LSIGraph helps you find the most lucrative semantically related keywords/phrases for your paid marketing and SEO. 

If you wonder what LSI Keywords are: LSI keywords are phrases related to the main keyword. You should use them in your SEO content to help search engine crawlers to contextualize your content better.

LSIGraph has a simple interface with a clear design. You just need to enter your seed keyword, choose your language and location, and wait for the result. LSIGraph helps you discover keywords related to your seed keyword. You can then use these keywords in your content or even build an outline for your long-form content.

LSIGraph-our favorite keyword discovery tool

With the free access, you can see the keywords (both short and long-tail) with statistics like CPC, Trend, Volume, Comp. There are also other features like LSV metrics, Project Management, save and export reports, etc., through the premium access.

LSV metric is the unique point of LSIGraph. It shows the value of that LSI keywords. The higher the score is, the more value that keyword has. 

LSIGraph-our favorite keyword discovery tool

Better still, LSIGraph helps you discover the top-ranking content for your keyword, which is fantastic because in order to outrank the rest, you must learn from the best.

When you get your LSI keywords, you can apply these to a number of places:

  • Old blog post
  • Meta description
  • Images’ ALT text
  • General content

Basically, adding LSI keywords strategically will help search engines to understand your content better.

3 tips when choosing your keywords:

In order to find the right keywords, you need to think of these questions:

  • How hard will it be to rank for this keyword?
  • How much traffic am I likely to get if I rank for this keyword?
  • What kind of content should I create to rank for this keyword?
  • Are people searching for this keyword likely to become my customers?

So these are the general thoughts, here are 3 detailed tips for you.

#1. Analyze the keyword metrics

If you want to choose keywords that will pay off, you need to know what keyword metrics matter the most.

  • Search volume

Average monthly search volume is the metric that is universally used for keyword research. The search volume of a keyword tells you whether people are searching for it or not. 

Researching the search volume will help you find out if your keyword is even worth pursuing. If you discover a low search volume, it may be a clue that there’s no market, or that you’re using the wrong terms.

  • Average CPC (Cost Per Click) 

You might know that CPC is a key metric typically associated with paid advertising (or PPC–pay per click), but it can be a useful metric to understand in terms of organic keyword research as well.

Looking at the CPC for a given keyword gives you an idea of what your potential competitors are willing to pay to show up in the ads for that particular search. You can get an idea of how valuable that keyword is.

  • Competition

Keyword difficulty or competition tells how easy it is to rank on the first page of Google.  It helps you assess how tough it would be for you to rank in the top search results for a given keyword.

Many tools have their own way of calculating difficulty. Yet, most of them will build a score after analyzing search results to determine, such as the domain authority of competitive domains, the number of strong links held by top pages, and how often the top positions change.

  • Trends 

In a more zoomed-out approach to keyword data, the trend gives you an overarching idea of how a particular keyword or topic is trending over time. This is great for seasonal searches related to your product or service as well as emerging trends in search and industries.

#2. Run a content gap analysis

If you see multiple competitors ranking for a keyword, then that’s a sign that it might also make sense for you to pursue that keyword.

Conducting a content gap analysis is a smart way to find the “gaps” in your content. This will help you come up with strategic content ideas that will pull in more traffic, convert more customers, and provide even more value to your target audience. Thus, analyzing your existing content offerings allows you to see where you might be missing valuable assets that could guide readers to the point of purchase. 

From that point, you can figure out the keywords you should use for that particular missing content.

You’re also likely to find new keyword opportunities you’re not currently taking advantage of with existing content.

#3. Consider keyword relevance

Relevance refers to the importance of a certain keyword, phrase, or search term to a web page. It is how Google and other search engines determine what your content is all about.

The search engine giants decide which terms your page will rank for when there’s a user query based on relevancy. So you also need to think about keyword relevance.

If you own a company that provides PR services, it’s likely that you’d attract more qualified prospects by targeting a keyword such as “coffee shop opening event operator,” rather than just “event PR.” Relevancy is one of the most important factors to consider when choosing the right keywords for SEO.

What to do after getting your keyword

While search engines are getting more intelligent, it remains a fact that they are still using automated bots or crawlers to look for signs of an optimized page that will provide the visitor with a good user experience. As bots are being what they are, it is important to provide all the necessary help to these bots to enable them to crawl a website for the information you want it to find.

On the search term itself, a search engine will determine if the word being searched appears in the content constantly and where it occurs, for example:

  • The anchor text
  • The title
  • The URL (universal resource locator)
  • Headings
  • The meta tags

All the important information in a website has to be properly located and especially the keywords to be located in the right places. Don’t forget to use your target keywords on these below positions: 

  • Page title
  • Headline
  • Body text
  • URL
  • Image and image ALT attributes
  • Internal and external links
  • Meta description
  • Meta keywords


When you choose the right and relevant keywords, you can create the right content to target your audience. As a result, these profitable keyword strategies will help you create quality content readers that search engines will love. 

If you don’t want to invest in a paid keyword tool before familiarizing yourself with the keyword analysis process, there are a variety of keyword discovery tools that are free. You can consider starting with LSIGraph to get the best list of keywords.

Claire Le

Claire Le is a a results-driven, creative, and self-motivated content writer. She was a guest contributor on DMR.