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Apex Legends Tournament Hacker Did It Just for ‘Fun’

ByHuey Yee Ong

Mar 22, 2024

Apex Legends Tournament Hacker Did It Just for ‘Fun’

Apex Legends Global Series tournament faced an unexpected halt due to a significant hacking scandal. This incident not only affected the gameplay of two prominent streamers but also raised questions about the game’s security and the safety of its players. The hacker, known online as Destroyer2009, claimed responsibility for the disruption, stating his actions were carried out “just for fun” and to prompt the developers to address a security vulnerability.

The Hacking Incident

During a live competition of the Apex Legends Global Series, which boasts a prize pool of $5 million, viewers were taken aback when two notable streamers found their games compromised by hackers. These streamers, caught in the midst of gameplay, expressed their disbelief and confusion live, as cheats were apparently injected into their games. This led to the tournament’s indefinite postponement by the organizers, who cited concerns over the “competitive integrity” of the series.

The hackers made their presence known through on-screen chatbot messages, identifying themselves as “Apex hacking global series, by Destroyer2009 &R4andom.”

A screenshot of a competitive Apex Legends match showing a player suddenly gaining cheats, suggesting they may have been hacked.

Following the event, Destroyer2009 spoke to TechCrunch, taking credit for the hacks. He insisted that his primary motive was to highlight a security flaw in the game, hoping to force the developers, Respawn Entertainment, to implement necessary fixes. Despite the chaos caused, Destroyer2009 argued that his actions were devoid of malice, aiming instead to spotlight the issue without causing harm to players’ careers or personal data.

Security Measures and Developer Response

Following the hacking incident, both the gaming community and the developers were quick to respond. Many players expressed concerns over the security of Apex Legends, fearing potential risks to their personal data and the safety of their gaming environment. However, Destroyer2009 reassured the community, suggesting that the specific vulnerability he exploited was unlikely to be discovered and used by others before being patched.

Respawn Entertainment, the developer behind Apex Legends, along with Easy Anti-Cheat, the developers of the game’s anti-cheat engine, addressed the situation through public statements. They announced the deployment of updates aimed at enhancing player security and ensuring a secure gaming experience. Despite these assurances, specific details regarding the nature of the hacks, the vulnerability exploited, or the exact countermeasures implemented were not disclosed.

Conor Ford, a member of the Apex Legends security team, expressed gratitude towards his colleagues for their dedication to resolving the issue, emphasizing the team’s talent and commitment to the game’s community.

Meanwhile, the claims made by the hacker about the security flaw and the reasons behind his actions went unchallenged by Respawn Entertainment and Electronic Arts, the game’s publisher.

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Huey Yee Ong

Hello, from one tech geek to another. Not your beloved TechCrunch writer, but a writer with an avid interest in the fast-paced tech scenes and all the latest tech mojo. I bring with me a unique take towards tech with a honed applied psychology perspective to make tech news digestible. In other words, I deliver tech news that is easy to read.

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