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New DNA Technology Approved To Identify 9/11 Remains

ByMike Paul

Sep 15, 2021

New DNA Technology Approved To Identify 9/11 Remains

Technology is changing at a fast pace. It has led to the development of almost every field of work, including forensics and investigation. The latest announcement by AP news speaks of one such advancement in technology related to the investigation department involving the victims of the 9/11 attack. Here’s all you need to know about it.

A new technology to aid the victims

None can ever forget the attacks on September 11, 2001, targeting the World Trade Centre that ruined many lives. However, what remains of it can be investigated and identified. There are many instances where the remains are negligible, and many forensic technologies have failed to decipher the identity of the dead body. A new technology to aid in the investigations has risen, which the scientists believe to be effective and convenient for the investigation department. This latest technology is the cutting-edge DNA technology, also famous as next-generation sequencing. The announcement this Saturday from the New York’s AP news confirmed the approval of this newest DNA technology by the New York City medical examiner’s office. Reports suggest that the remains of the attack victims reside in the National September 11 memorial and museum located in the world trade center site.

How does cutting-edge DNA technology work?

The latest announcements regarding forensic science to include cutting edge DNA technology to identify the remains of war victims has taken the world by the craze. Many people haven’t overcome the lethal disaster that shook the World Trade Centre in the US. The forensic department is still working with dedication to identifying as many victims as it can. 

The cutting-edge DNA technology is hope for all as it has proven effective in the field of forensics. The technology enables the addition, deletion, and replacement of DNA that has its own advantages. The reason behind its efficiency is that it can collect advanced levels of DNA material from the remains compared to other techniques. This technology involves four methods to detect the identity of the dead body with the help of its remains. Fingerprint time tracing, phenotyping, hair bacteria analysis, virtual autopsy, and tattoo analysis are a few forensics techniques aiding the cutting edge technology and creating wonders. 

Who was responsible for the attack?

While we talk about the attacks of 9/11 in the World Trade Centre of the US, a question might raid the minds to decipher the ones responsible for this treacherous act. As the reports suggest, the incident was a series of coordinated attacks targeting the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and the White House. The militant Islamist terrorist group was held responsible for the attacks on September 11, 2001. There were around 2996 deaths, of which 2977 were war victims, and others were the militants of the attacking group. Besides such a large count of death, there were many injured and lost in the chaos of the war. The series of attacks included aircraft hijacking, mass murders, terrorism, and suicide attacks that instilled a lot of destruction in the US.

It is all about the attacks and the DNA technology to investigate its remains. Let us hope the technology shows bright colors.

Mike Paul

Mike was one of the founding members of DMR, he was a pivotal figure in the early stages of DMR. Mike has since left the team to pursue his career in software development.

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