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Coinbase Executive Calls for Comprehensive Overhaul of Canadian Crypto Regulations

ByDayne Lee

Aug 16, 2024

Coinbase Executive Calls for Comprehensive Overhaul of Canadian Crypto Regulations

At the Blockchain Futurist Conference held on August 13, Lucas Matheson, Coinbase’s Country Director for Canada, highlighted the current state of digital asset regulation in Canada and advocated for the expanded Stand With Crypto initiative. Despite recognizing the robustness of Canada’s current regulatory framework, Matheson emphasized the urgent need for modernization to keep pace with global standards.

Advocating for Change

During his speech, Matheson pointed out that 85% of countries are expected to adopt comprehensive regulatory frameworks for digital assets within the next year. He stressed the critical role of public dialogue in educating policymakers on the significance of cryptocurrencies. The goal of the Stand With Crypto initiative, as Matheson outlined, is to reform Canadian laws to foster economic freedom and modernize the financial system.

Matheson concluded his presentation by encouraging attendees to join the advocacy efforts by signing up for the Stand With Crypto group.

Launched in Canada in July 2024, following its success in the United States, the Stand With Crypto initiative has become a significant political advocacy group. Matheson remarked that Canadian regulators have generally been more cooperative compared to their American counterparts, although there has been a noticeable lack of input from elected politicians.

The regulatory landscape has had tangible impacts on the operations of cryptocurrency businesses in Canada. For example, Binance withdrew from the Canadian market citing restrictive policies on stablecoins and investor limits as major barriers, introduced in the 2023 regulations.

Economic Freedom in the Spotlight

The topic of economic freedom in Canada received heightened attention following the government’s response to the Freedom Convoy protests in 2022. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s decision to invoke the Emergencies Act, which included freezing cash and crypto donations to protesters, was met with significant criticism. This move was perceived as an overreach of government powers and detrimental to economic freedoms.

In January 2024, a landmark ruling by a Canadian federal judge found that the government had exceeded its authority by using the Emergencies Act to freeze crypto donations. This decision underscored the complexities and the sometimes contentious intersection of government policy and economic liberties.

Launch of Stand With CryptoJuly 2024 in Canada, following US successAdvocacy for modernized crypto regulations
Binance Exits CanadaCited 2023 regulatory changes as the reasonHighlighted challenges faced by crypto businesses
Federal Judge’s RulingJanuary 2024 ruling on the misuse of the Emergencies ActReinforced the need for a balanced approach to regulation

The evolving regulatory framework for cryptocurrencies in Canada is at a critical juncture. As global standards for digital assets continue to develop, Canada faces both challenges and opportunities to enhance its economic landscape by adopting more flexible and forward-thinking regulations. The efforts of advocacy groups like Stand With Crypto and the ongoing dialogue among stakeholders are vital in shaping a regulatory environment that not only protects consumers but also fosters innovation and economic freedom.

Featured image credit: qalebstudio via Freepik

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Dayne Lee

With a foundation in financial day trading, I transitioned to my current role as an editor, where I prioritize accuracy and reader engagement in our content. I excel in collaborating with writers to ensure top-quality news coverage. This shift from finance to journalism has been both challenging and rewarding, driving my commitment to editorial excellence.

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